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Stewie’s 2nd Week Home As A Tripawd!

Posted by: | July 31, 2017 | 2 Comments |

Hi Tripawd friends,

here is Stewie’s two week update. A slightly easier, but no less challenging of a week…

Tuesday, July 18th,
Day 8 at home…

When I went downstairs to get Stewie up, he did not want to stand up at all. Eventually he came out, went pee and whimpered some more when laying down.
His T-shirt is completely dry this morning, but still a pocket of fluid sitting underneath.
I did manage to get some breakfast in him, but he doesn’t want to drink much. Turning away from treats.
By one o’clock we saw no improvement in his demeaner, so we decided to take him in. An appointment is made for 4:30pm.
Dr. Bill came out, checked Stewie’s temperature, which was slightly elevated. He then “milked” (drained) a small amount of fluid. Dr. Laurie checked his pulse, which was normal.
It’s possible that Stewie is taking a little longer to heal because he is such a big, furry dog. We are having super hot days (low 40’s Celsius) and he just needs more time.
He certainly perks up for the Dr.s!
Stewie didn’t eat very much supper, so he didn’t get a Meloxicam.
He would whimper when trying to move around and is definitely not himself today. He went downstairs and slept for a few hours.

I brought him up after a pee and put him to bed.
He fell into the first restful sleep all day.

Wednesday , July 19th,
Day 9 at home…

Stewie had a super restful sleep last night. Only getting up a couple of times to change positions.
He had a 1/2 cup of his kibble and 1/2 a can of AD.
He seems to be in better spirits today. Not licking at his wound half as much.
I saw Dr. Laurie when I picked up Stewie’s food and she recommended putting Stewie in the 1/2 Gabapentin in the mornings.
When I arrived home from town, Stewie happily greeted me at the door for the first time in a long time! He even stood to drink his own water! He didn’t fancy his lunch though.
He did however eat his supper. 1/2 a cup of kibble & half a can of AD.
Far more relaxed and comfortable looking this afternoon. Far less whimpering.

Stewie hanging out with his Uncles!

Thursday, July 20th,
Day 10 at home…

Stewie spent the first night on his own last night and although he moved around a few times, he seemed to have slept without a problem.

This morning I convinced him to eat 1/2 a cup of kibble with 1/2 a can of the AD. Along with half a Meloxicam.

He went pee as normal but when encouraged to do so and even went and had a pretty normal poo!

He seems to be the most uncomfortable after moving around, but settles down fairly quickly.

His wound looks really good today. The fluid seems to have dissipated fairly well and there is only a small amount of redness towards the bottom.

He is up & about more often by his choice today, wanting to greet people by the door, etc.
He didn’t want to eat lunch again today. But did eat his supper. I guess with not moving around so much, he wouldn’t have a huge appetite.

Friday , July 21st,
Day 11 at home…

Stewie had a good nights rest and slept in till 10am!
He had his pill with breakfast, 1/2 cup of kibble & 1/2 can of a/d.

We had him to the vets for 11:30am. His old friend (part time technician) Janine, was super happy to see him and sang her old song to him. When Stewie lived in Nakusp, he used to go to Janine’s and knock on her door, for his visits!
Dr. Bill checked Stewie out. His temp and colour is normal and his wound is healing enough that his stitches can come out on Tuesday. He will start his first chemotherapy session then as well.
We left him in the cool basement for the afternoon.

Happy hanging out!

Thankfully, the next few days have been fairly unremarkable…

Stewie has been eating some of his meals by himself, otherwise he is loving the hand fed attention I think! He is going to do his #2 business by himself, which we are both pretty happy to report on! And he goes downstairs when he wants. Sometimes he even comes and asks for help. I’m all over him like a mother hen, making sure he learns to go slowly.

He is such a very smart boy!

Californian Surfin’ Dude!

Pawsitive thoughts and love to all, from Super Stewie’s pack!

Petra, Paul, Spike, Chester & Miss Lily xx🐾🐾🐾🐾


under: Post-Surgery, Recovery


  1. By: misterrustybucket on August 1, 2017 at 6:07 am      Reply

    I am so happy that week two ended on a better note for you buddy because after week one and the beginning of week two I was worried for you. Not too worried because you obviously have Super People who love you and are amazing advocates for you.

    You are doing such a great job getting Stu everything he needs and making sure he gets to the vet and gets his food and meds. Being a caretaker is exhausting. I love that Stewie would knock on the door! He’s such a sweet boy.
    I hope week 3 is a good one I will stay tuned.
    ❤️Amy & Rusty

    • By: Super Stu! on August 1, 2017 at 8:15 am      Reply

      Thanks Amy & Rusty! It seems that it has all paid off now that we are heading into week 4! It’s hard to believe, sometimes feeling like a dream, but then I look at my boy and smile, ’cause I know we did the right thing for him!
      Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts. I’m really enjoying getting to know some of you Fur Angels!
      All the best & lots of sloppy kisses from
      Stewie, Petra, Paul, Spike Chester & Miss Lily ❤️🐾🐾🐾🐾

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