So here we are into Stewie’s fifth week and what a great week it’s been!
The fact that it has been a pretty uneventful week is fantastic!
Last Tuesday, Stewie went in for his blood work, to check on the level of his white blood cells. (the information is a little bit over my head…) Essentially, if there was a major change, we would have to knock back the amount of Carboplatin he will get tomorrow. (Tuesday) His numbers came back the same, so we are going ahead with the full dose tomorrow, being his 2nd round. I’m hoping for minimal side effects, if any, like the last dose.
Most importantly, Stewie was more back to himself this week… He played with his Hedgehog, scrunched his squeaky toys and even had a short game of Tug of War with Dad! Here’s the video below.
It has been a good week in regards to Stewie’s eating habits too. He doesn’t tend to want breakfast anymore, but he hops happily over to eat his lunch & supper. He is quite happy really, because he gets an additional scoop of canned dog food on top of his boring old (good for you) kibble now!
Stewie’s surgical site is healing really well. 1/2 of the scrabbing has come off and the area where he was licking is much improved, especially as his fur gets longer.
I think the best part of the week for me though, was when I arrived home from a day long road trip to the big city. Stewie came running excitedly up the driveway to greet me! That is something we haven’t seen in at least 2 months! How bloody lovely it was to see my boy acting like his old self assured, handsome buggar that he is!
So until next week, keep happily hopping around and all the best to everyone.
Sloppy kisses from Super Stu, Mum, Dad & his feline pack,
Sr. Spike Chester Molester & Miss Lily
p.s. Stewie was sulking when he found out that I wrote his blog this week! I forgot that I had promised him that it would be his turn again! He won’t let me get away with that one again!
By: izzysmomma on August 15, 2017 at 4:09 pm
What a fantastic update!!! Love the video!
Amy & my sweet angel, Izzy
By: Super Stu! on August 15, 2017 at 5:06 pm
Thank you Amy and your darling angel Izzy.
May I start by saying that I feel for your loss of such a beautiful girl and I want you to know that Izzy’s story touched my heart. Thank you for sharing.
Stewie would like me to tell you that he is going to be directing me in a couple more videos this week, so we shall see what he has in mind…
Take good care Amy and thank you for your continued support.
Sloppy kisses from Stewie & all the very best from Petra, Paul
& Stewies feline siblings, Sr. Spike Chester Molester & Miss Lily
By: misterrustybucket on August 15, 2017 at 12:00 pm
Yeah Stewie!! I was so so happy to read your update and learn that you are doing well. What a sweet boy. I loved the video of Stu playing with his hedgy and am glad his blood work supports continuing chemo. Plus he came to greet you? I know that made you smile.
What a fun update!
Amy & Rusty
By: Super Stu! on August 15, 2017 at 5:00 pm
Thank you Amy & Rusty!
His 2nd round of chemo was today and he was an excellent boy! Highly anxious, but he didn’t get growly and didn’t move an inch… I was very proud of my boy!
I discovered from our vet today that his numbers had gone down, but it was still within good range. So we have to go in two weeks for another blood test and see…
Sloppy kisses from Stewie & all the best from Petra, Paul & Stewies feline siblings, Sr. Spike Chester Molester & Miss Lily
By: Super Stu! on August 15, 2017 at 9:07 am
Thanks Sally!
You do crack me up and that’s a beautiful thing!
I am thrilled at this point in his recovery, he is surprising me around every turn! I can honestly say, I’m a different person from 6 weeks ago… my boy has taught me a few things in this life & im eternally grateful for the lessons!
Stewie is certainly looking forward to writing his blog next week, he is coming up with the “Top 10 Reasons Why A Dog Should Become A Tripawd!” Even I’m looking forward to seeing that one!
Stewie says 5 claws up for the extra scoop of wet food!
All the best to you from Stewie, his Hoomans and his feline siblings
By: JESH on August 15, 2017 at 9:00 am
Great week! Hope you sail through that nasty chemo again! Bailey is right behind you. Her blood work was good and she goes Monday for round two.
Love keeping up with Super Stewie!
By: Super Stu! on August 15, 2017 at 5:34 pm
Hi Bailey & Mum!
How wonderful to hear that Stewie has a healing buddy! How is Bailey doing in her recovery? Stewie & I hope she is doing as well as he is!
Stewie wants to know if you have a blog site going? He says to give you his…
Stewie’s URL for Tripawds:
He sends sloppy kisses to you both!
& all the very best from Petra, Paul
& Stewies feline siblings, Sr. Spike Chester Molester & Miss Lily
By: benny55 on August 14, 2017 at 9:19 pm
HAPPY FIVE WEEK AMPUVERSARY STEWIE!!! You are really quite the Champ at handling all this tripawd recovery stuff!!
AND you had good bookdwork too!! Nice job cutie pie!!
And wait! Even more good news! You’re eating like a Champ too!!
Coming up the drive to greet your Mom with your tail wagging and a big grin on your face made your Mom soooo happy! In fact, it made us all happy!! Itsq just another way you’re showing your Mom that your loving life and so glad to be pain free!
Okay Stu, next week you get to write your blog, okay? But do give your Mom a big sloppy kiss since she really did do a nice job!
Hugs…..and two scoops of wet food!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!