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Super Stu’s 16 Month Ampuversary!

Posted by: | November 10, 2018 | 14 Comments |

Well Howdy Folks Super Stu here again!!!

I am Hopping Happily on my 16 Month Ampuversary and my Mum tells me I’m doing GREAT!! I know I’m doing GREAT, I’m feeling Fantastic!!

I have had such an exciting month, so let me tell you all about it…

I got to go on a road trip this month with my Mum and Dad and my Aunty Anne! I Ruv my road trips! I get soooo much attention from lots of different people, especially the kids… they always ask what happened to my leg and I am always Hoppy to tell them that i am a Cancer Survivor!!! The adults sometimes feel sorry for me, but then they see me Hoppily Hopping along, with a big grin on my face and they always change their attitude!

And i got that Raskety Rat 🐀!! Mum, Dad and I went down to our woodpile one day and decided that we were going to evict that Rat from our woodpile… so while Mum and Dad moved all the logs, i stayed on the one side ‘cause i knew he was going to try and escape (only to come back later…) and when they got down to the last of the logs, the Rat tried making a run for it, but i was there to catch him and i got him you guys!!! I was as quick as lightning and that Rat didn’t have time to say Eeeek!!! 

Mum and Aunty Anne went on a road trip without me this month as well and at first i was upset that they didn’t take me, but me and Dad had a great day together. And then when Mum came home i smelt new Hedgies… Yup, you read it correctly, not just one Hedgie but a whole Herd of Hedgies!! She said that i wasn’t allowed to meet them all at once, ‘cause they are special and can only come out one at a time on special occasions. She said that she had to bring the whole Herd home ‘cause Nakusp doesn’t keep many Hedgies around and Mum doesn’t want me to miss out on meeting my new Hedgie friends at Christmas time!!

But i got to meet my November Hedgie! He has a really cute squeak and i can toss him around really good, me and Dad have fun with him! I Ruv my Hedgies!

And talk about having fun… My Mum dressed me up for Halloween again this year and i was the best bottle of Ketchup that anyone has ever seen! Mum’s Great Niece said that she would love to gobble me up ‘cause she Ruvs  Ketchup!!

Then Mum borrowed my costume for work and had tons of fun, but she said that I looked better as Ketchup than she did!!

Mum and Dad got to do a really cool thing for our Animal Protection Society (P.A.L.S.) this month. AllenSong put on a fundraising benefit for them and had lots of people come out to hear them sing! EveryPawdy had a great time singing along and laughing and crying, it was a great show! They raised lots of money for the animals to ensure that they could all be healthy and strong for their new Furever homes!

My brothers and sister got a really cool treat as well this past month. They got a new Kitty Play Station! Chester McFluff and Tedwardo use it the most, but Miss Picky Lily doesn’t use it much ‘cause she has her favourite comfy chair that she likes to hang out on, although she had to try it just so she could say she did! Old Man Spikey doesn’t use it at all, his old bones won’t let him jump that high anymore.

Then Mum surprised me with another Hedgie PupCake you guys! Oh my gongases it tastes so good! I can’t wait till next month to get another one!!!

“Num… Yum… Munch… Gobble…

“Hedgie ate my PupCake!”

Here’s a couple of videos for you all to enjoy, I know I did!

Stewie’s 16 Month Ampuversary Hedgie!

Stewie’s 16 Month Ampuversary Hedgie PupCake!

So that’s my exciting month in nut shell, i will be back next month to fill you in on more of my adventures!

Much Ruv from Super Duper Stu, Spitfire Spikey, ChesterField, Prissy Miss Lily and Pigger Ted.


p.s. because Mum actually got my blog finished on time this month (sheesh!) so I didn’t get to add my Virtual Hedgies from Purrrkins and Miss Holly… thanks very much you guys!!! I Ruv them! 🥰🥰

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!


  1. By: jerry on November 11, 2018 at 8:52 pm      Reply

    Wheeee! Another ampuversary and you are even more pawesome than the last. Congrats Stewie! You are so amazing!

    You live a life of adventure my friend. I love that you have been going on road trips and being such a great ampawssador! Everywhere you go you are BLOWING PEOPLE”S MINDS!!!

    By the way it was pretty incredible to watch you savor every last bite of your hedging pupcake. WOW! You have got class my friend. Most dawgs would just wood that treat down without breathing. It was pure joy to watch you dive in. YUM!!

    • By: Super Stu! on December 7, 2018 at 12:59 pm      Reply

      Hi Rene, Jim and Wyatt!
      Thank you for joining another Ampuversary for Stewie, how wonderful that he gets to celebrate another really soon and he will definitely be getting another Hedgie PupCake! He will share if Wyatt wants some!

  2. By: Purrkins on November 11, 2018 at 5:43 am      Reply

    OMC you got the virtual hedgies on😻 I just noticed we sent them airmail cause we were almost late;)

    • By: Super Stu! on November 11, 2018 at 8:05 am      Reply

      Miss Holly, you are never late for my Ampuversary’s!! The Hedgie Plane was delayed due to snow and ice on the runway, but never late!! I was rather impressed that they were able to make it at all… no matter what you are always on the ball!
      Mum just happened to get my blog finished early this month, so we can actually blame her! Ha!
      Take good care Miss Holly!

  3. By: Purrkins on November 11, 2018 at 5:41 am      Reply

    Happy/Hoppy SIXTEEN MONTH Ampuversary Stewie
    16 months kicken cancers tail WHOO HOO! You look fantastic as always Stewie! Keep up those magic drops they are working for you!

    I wove you nabbed the raskety rat hehe, of course, you did he met your enormous paw!

    No comments on the two bottles of ketchup are you kidding me ?? OMC you both look soooo cute as Heinz!! LOVE IT!!

    Brilliant on the concert and raising funds for the animals I bet everyone enjoyed win-win.

    Purrkins and Saxton are envious of the new cat station;) Spikey the sofa is your spot leave the rest to the young kids you know the best place anyway;) Shhhh!

    Yaay for a herd off hedgies so glad Mum found some & Naksup needs to be informed Stewie needs a supply of hedgies what is wrong with them?!!? Ruv you are getting a the pupcake every month hehe! Which flavor was this one Stewie peanut butter or banana? The video shows it was yummy. I also see Miss Lily tried to swat you OMC 🙀

    We will look furward to you next month adventure you stay warm K no slipping on any ice you all be careful!!

    Sloppy kisses and belly rubs to you Stewie! We Ruv you!

    Extra Ruv to Spikey and scratches to Chester, Lily, and poor starving Teddy;)

    Loads of love to you all!!
    Whispeirng Mr. Purrkins, Sexxxxy Saxton, Uncle Mark & Aunt Miss Holly

    • By: Super Stu! on November 11, 2018 at 7:59 am      Reply

      Hi Aunt Holly, Whispering Purrrkins, Sexy Saxton and Mr Mark!

      Thanks again for your wonderful wishes on my Ampuversary, I Ruved my virtual Hedgies! 😁 Kicking cancers butt is what I do best! My magic drops are helping to keep me sooooo hoppy!

      Hehe, that Raskety Rat didn’t know what hit him!! I kept telling him he has to leave my house, but he wouldn’t listen Miss Holly, so we had to kick him out with my big paw!!

      😁 It was Aunty Anne who found the Ketchup Costume this year, it’s much better than that Kitty mask I wore last year! When Mum wore it to work, she said she was feeling rather ‘Saucy’! Haha!

      It was a win, win at the P.A.L.S. Benefit for sure! So much so that Mum and Dad are going to do it again next year!

      Spikey thanks you for telling the Kitty Kids that the couch is his! He feels rather special up on his throne! He gets sofa service all day long, all he has to do is call he gets whatever he wants!

      So Mum was talking to Crystal at Dogsense (Crystal’s Mum makes my cakes for me 😉 and she said that she has ordered in a special Christmas Hedgie for me, so I might get 2 Hedgies for Christmas Miss Holly! My Herd Of Hedges is growing! Pretty soon I’ll have a whole house full!

      I promise I’ll be careful in the ice Miss Holly… I hop super carefully on the snow and ice, ‘cause I know I don’t want to slip!

      Extra Ruv has been given to the Kitty’s! Please give your little big fellas a sloppy kiss from me too!

      Rots of Ruv to you and Mr Mark and thank you once again for your CyberMail Hedgies!

      Let the Adventures begin….!!!


  4. By: Michelle on November 10, 2018 at 4:49 pm      Reply

    Looking great Stewie. Loved the videos. I miss seeing the hop even though it was a rear leg/miss hearing it too. Been so long..

    I love your new hedgie.. Glad your momma got you a new heard of them for special occasions.

    Wow, you must have been really fast to catch that rat. Glad its gone though and you can rest and just hop a long when you go outside and not have to keep hunting him.


    Keep hopping on. Hoppy 16 month ampuversary

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • By: Super Stu! on November 10, 2018 at 8:49 pm      Reply

      Hello Michelle,
      There is definitely no mistaking the Thumpety-Thump sound of us big hounds is there! Mum and Dad sing along with my thump sometimes as I head down the hall! Hehe! They make me laugh! 😆
      Mum was more than relieved that that Raskety Rat was evacuated, ‘cause she was tired of calling me back into the house and all’s I wanted to do was get rid of the Rat! We hate Rats!!
      I’m so glad my Hedgies don’t look like Rats! I’m so glad my Mum knows I Ruv my Hedgies!!
      Hugs to you and Spirit kisses to Angel Sassy

  5. By: benny55 on November 10, 2018 at 9:00 am      Reply

    Just went back to the the great videoth!!! Ruv them!!! And rub that you wee serenaded while eating your cake! It wath really nith of you to thare your cake!

    And it was really nith of your hoomanth to help rath money for the animalth by donating their time and beautiful thongth.
    Very, very nith 💖

    • By: Super Stu! on November 10, 2018 at 8:32 pm      Reply

      Thank you so much Sally! Both Stewie and his Hedgie had that frozen PupCake gobbled down in a matter of minutes!
      We had so much fun at the P.A.L.S. Benefit! The audience was fantastic and their support was very much appreciated!
      Very nice to see you Sally. Hugs to you, Merry Myrtle and your Freakin Handsome Frankie and of course Spirit kisses to Happy Hannah!

      p.s. Did Myrtle get her eye treatment? Special sloppy kisses please!

  6. By: benny55 on November 10, 2018 at 8:53 am      Reply

    Oh my goodneth Thewie!!! I’m tho glad you shared thigh moment the ocathion with uth!!!!

    And I juth realithed I mitthed your fifteen month thelebration too!!! Tho I get to have a double celebration with you!!! And that wath a mighty cute “Thuck on You Hedgie”!

    I ruv the cat playground, but it juth doth not compare to the fun your Hedgieth provide!! Thoth kittieths don’t know what they are mithing!!

    And your cake ith brilliant!!! Well done…and yummy too!! Thorry the HedgeHog ate those though! I ruv that you are getting tho many Hedgieth in your future!!

    I alwath rub your update and am thrilled to hear about all your adventure! I know you are south a RockThar with everyone you meet!!!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • By: Super Stu! on November 10, 2018 at 8:22 pm      Reply

      Thally Wonderful Thally!!!
      I can’t tell you how pleathed I am to thee you!!! 😁
      You can have a double thelebration with me anytime!! There’s no thuch thing as “missing a celebration”… your here now, tho you didn’t mith a thing!
      Pluth Mum tellth me that you have been very bithy with Merry Myrtle and Freakin Handthome Frankie. I hope they’re doing well! Tell Frankie he’th my calendar buddy again!! 😁
      My Kitty’th are definitely mitthing out on lot’th of Hedgie Fun! 🦔 😃 I think Mith Lily would like to play with my Hedgie’th, but sheeth afraid I might thtep on her! I would never do that, I told her thee can play if thee want’th to!! 😺
      Rots of Ruv from your Rock Thtar Thtewie and his Band Of Handsome Hedgies!!

  7. By: dobemom on November 10, 2018 at 8:11 am      Reply

    Looking good Stewie! Love the videos…I sure miss the “Tripawd Hop” 🙁 I’m so happy that you’re doing so well! Lets keep those ampuversaries and new hedgies coming! See you next month!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

    • By: Super Stu! on November 10, 2018 at 8:02 pm      Reply

      Hi Paula
      Thanks for joining my Pawty!! It’s always lovely to see you.
      We do have a special Hoppity-Hop to our step don’t we? I completely understand why you would miss your special boys Tripawd Hop!
      Special kisses to Angel Nitro and hugs to you!

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