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Super Stu’s 4 Month Ampuversary!!!

Posted by: | November 10, 2017 | 10 Comments |

Super Stu’s 4 Month Ampuversary!

Hi my Tripawd comrades!

I am here to celebrate my 4 Month Ampuversary! 🎉🎊🎈

I am living the life of a king! I have sooooo much to celebrate… not only have I been hopping on three legs for four months now, I also celebrated my 6th & FINAL CHEMOTHERAPY session on November 8th! I am soooo hoppy that is over and done with! I got lots of chicken treats, pepperoni, a bully stick and a new Hedgie!!!

Enjoying my presents at my Pawty!

Plus I had some of my wonderful Tripawds friends who rang some really cool bells to celebrate my end of treatment Pawty! Thanks Purrkins, Huckleberry, Rusty & Sally’s Alumni! The Bells! 🔔The Bells! 🔔They were enough to make me smile & cry!

Stewie’s End of Teatment Bell!

Plus I am a model in the Tripawds calendar #23! And so many of my Paw friends are in there too! Some of them are spirit friends, but I am so honoured to share the pages with all of them!
I can’t wait to get my copy. What with my fancy new Tripawds Bandanna that is on its way, there will be some great pictures for my 5 Month Ampuversary!!!

A Houndsome Hound!

My Mum & Dad had another concert this month and I got to spend the night at my Aunt Anne’s and I got spoiled rawtten! I get to do whatever I want when I’m there and whenever I grumble nicely she gives me treats!
Her kitty “Boo Boo” scares me though… she just sits right in my space and stares… glares and stares!!! She’s telling me to GET OUT I know it!! But I’m not allowed out by myself at Aunty’s!

For the first time Evah, I was dressed up for Halloween and you’d never guess what Mum dressed me up as… go ahead guess! I was kinda mad that she didn’t dress the cats in dog costumes!


So Snow has arrived!!! I was so Hoppeeeey! I couldn’t wait to go outside and play. Mum was all worried and scared that I was going to slip, but i did great! My big feet act like snow shoes and I stick close to the house when going off the deck, cause it’s less snow covered. Mum said she’s looking for chicken grit… I thought she said chicken💩!
I was even hoppy enough to go for a walk with Dad! He took me around so that I could sniff and roll and pee and sniff and pee and…

The only sad thing about winters arrival, is that I had to say goodbye to the Toaster for the season. See you in 8 months Toasty McBoaty!

Farewell Toasty McBoaty!

In the last month I have started my acupuncture and Ortho-Bionomy treatments! I feel like a pampered King when I go there! It feels soooooo good! Mum laughs ‘cause my eyes almost roll to the back of my head, it feels that good! It is helping me with my lungs and my liver and spleen. It’s helping to get rid of the flaky skin and I sleep for days! (Okay maybe not days…) but it really feels that good! I’d recommend it to any Hooman!

I have even been laying on my ‘stylin’ side more often lately. It feels so good to have a change of positions after so long and I know how to get myself up now!

Relaxin’ on my ‘stylin’ side!

I Ruv my family so very much and they are all so very Hoppy to have me with them!!! So until next time my friends please join me in more Hoppy Hopping and Hoppy Snow Days!

Sloppy kisses from Stewie👅🐾
& hugs from Petra, Paul, & his feline Feline, Mr. Spike, Chester McFiend & Miss Lily 🐾🐾🐾❤️

under: Living the life of a Tripawd


  1. By: Purrkins on November 13, 2017 at 5:34 am      Reply

    Hoppy 4 Month Ampuversary Stewie & FINAL chemo !! 🛎🎉🎊🛎🦔🦔
    We are glad you spent time with you Aunty Anne, Just stay away from BooBoo Stewie😉
    Maybe you should wear your Meowled face next time, see what BooBoo thinks of that😂
    Glad to see your sleeping on your stylish side & feeling so gooooood Stewie !

    More spa days for you!! They are magical aren’t they! Purrkins loves his spa days too!

    The toaster mcboaty will be back before you know it. Really a few blinks of an eye and boom 8 months! Enjoy the hoppy snow days & let us know if the chicken grit helps on the deck! I might need to get some chicken grit for our deck:) he he and not he he🙄

    Tell your Mum good job she has the your blog all patched up now;)🎉🤓

    P.S Stewie you are already wearing your superhero costume just saying🤩 no need for the costume you are a super hero!
    Sloppy Kisses to Stewie 🤩& Scratches to the Kitty Pride!

    Hugs to Mom & Dad!
    Holly, Mark, Purrkins & Saxton ❤️

    • By: Super Stu! on November 13, 2017 at 6:04 am      Reply

      Holly & Purrrrkins,

      I’m have to once again thank you for starting my 🔔 ringing! I felt so very special! Everyone had such magnificent 🔔 didn’t they?! What a way to end my Chemo treatment! It’s something I will never forget! 😘

      What a great idea, to scare BooBoo with that goofy mask! I don’t think Aunty Anne would be very Hoppy with me though! 😁

      Hey Purrrrrkins, I think we should organize a Tripawds Pride & Pack Pawty!!! You could all come and join us Toasty McBoaty next year! That would surely be something to look forward to!!!
      Do you get treats after your Spa day Purrkins? Tell Mum to heck with your diet on those days, it’s all about you!!!🍗🐠🐟🦀
      I’ll let you know how the chicken 💩 I mean grit, works out!

      Mum said she doesn’t exactly know what she did with her Blog, just went and fiddled around and the next thing she knew, she received a subscription notice from you! Thank you! She’s smarter than she thinks sometimes! 🤓

      Can I just call myself “SUPER STU” next year?! I’ll get a different Tripawds Rule Bandanna and put one on the front and back! People will know I’m a super hero then right?!

      Hugs and best wishes to your family and special cheek rubs for Purrrrrkins and Saxton❤️❌⭕️❤️

  2. By: paws120 on November 13, 2017 at 3:04 am      Reply

    Stewie you are one special pup! So glad you made it through the last of the chemo, whew! I know your mama and papa must be breathing a sigh of relief. Now that you are recovered and doing so well you can get them back for that mask action, tsk tsk, lol. I finally got to read your whole story, you are so amazing!! ((((Big fluffy bear hugs to you )))) and to your wonderful family ❤️
    Jackie and Huckleberry

    • By: Super Stu! on November 13, 2017 at 5:24 am      Reply

      Thanks Jackie and Huckleberry!

      Yeah we sure did the Hoppy dance around here on my last day of chemo! Now the fur can start growing back on my legs… it’s getting boomin’ cold out there!
      I still can’t get over the fact that Mum published that picture! Sheeesh! It’s embarrassing!!!

      Fluffy bear hugs back atcha!❤️

      Super Stu and his Pack

  3. By: linda8115 on November 11, 2017 at 12:43 pm      Reply

    Yay Super Stewie! Sure looks like you’ve got tons to celebrate there! Also I have to say you’re living the best life ever! Every time I see you in a picture you make me smile! Even your Halloween picture made me smile but I do understand your righteous indignation on that one!! Good thing you’re a go with the flow kind of guy! Hugs to you handsome man! You’re rocking this!

    • By: Super Stu! on November 11, 2017 at 1:38 pm      Reply

      Linda, I think I might be wrong, but I am the luckiest dawg in the whole Universe! Thank you!😁

      You know, my Mum does soooo many silly things to me, I just grin and humour her for a while. The mask… not so long!😊

      I truly think I have this whole Tripawd thing down, I’ve still got some tricks up my fur coat, to show Mum and Dad in the future!😜

      Three Paws Up Linda!!!
      From Rockin’ Stu!

  4. By: benny55 on November 11, 2017 at 10:42 am      Reply

    Oh sweet Super Stu, we ruv you too!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 REALLU!

    And yiru are a KING and you deserve to be spoiled rawten!!! 🙂 Shhhhh….yriu really do jrave yiur humans wrapped around yirur paws! 🙂 🙂

    This update makes me SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!! GRINNING EAR TO EAR HAPPY!!! 🙂

    HAPPY FOUR MONDTH AMPUVERSARY STEWIE!!! 🙂 🙂 And you got sniw for your versary!! Nit to mention lots of treats feom everylawsy! 🙂

    AND NO MORE CHEMO!! YAY! What a GLORIOUS update!!

    And we got to see pictures!!! That’s one of favorite things…seeing pictures of Stewie! TRUE! 🙂 Well, love seeing all the pictures, HOWEVER, dressing you up as cat is just WRONG!! Hoomans can be tho thilly thometimeth!

    Throwing a big pawty over here for you Stewie! Lots of ice cream and cake!!

    Still grinning Stewie!

    Lots of love and hugs and smooches!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • By: Super Stu! on November 11, 2017 at 1:29 pm      Reply

      Thally! I am thending you mathive hugth!!!😁😍

      I’m glad I can make you smile, ‘cause you make people smile all day long and we all adore you!❤️

      Can you believe that my Hoomans put that silly mask on me?! I’m insisting on a Super Hero costume next year… any suggestions?!😜

      Thanks for celebrating my end of chemo bell ringing, that was VERY special!❤️

      There’ll e more pictures next month Sally and maybe another video?

      Spirit kisses to your beautiful Happy Hannah and hugs to you, Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!😘❤️

  5. By: rhunter on November 11, 2017 at 5:46 am      Reply

    Yay Stu! Hoppy Ampuversary. It looks like you are doing great!

    • By: Super Stu! on November 11, 2017 at 5:56 am      Reply

      Thanks Zoey, I really am having a great time! I feel like a puppy again! Kudos to your recovery too, way to ROCK TRIPAWD POWER!!! ❤️

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