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Many thanks to Stewie’s incredible Vet Team!

Posted by: | November 12, 2017 | 6 Comments |

Much Gratitude From Super Stu!

A very Hoppy Boy!

Stewie is now 4 months past his amputation and we are finished with any further major treatments.

Stewie’s entire Nakusp Veterinary Clinic Team; Dr. Bill Sones, Dr. Laurie Page, Jackie and Lori have had Stewie’s best interests at heart from the get go! They have ensured that the clinic has always been ready for our boy and have treated him so incredibly well! Even though Stewie may have grumbled a few times, he allowed them to do their job and that is a huge compliment to their skills and caring attitudes!

Super Stu’s Saviours!

We couldn’t be more grateful to our veterinarian team! From the very beginning of this journey, they have shown compassion, patience, perseverance and a whole lot of lovin’ for our Stewie boy!

Stewie has been a massive challenge for our small town vet clinic and they have overcome them all! Starting with a large, VERY FLUFFY dog that needed to be shaved, then an irritating Seroma, followed by multiple vein issues when trying to take blood, delays in chemo medicine delivery and through it all they kept pawsitive and moved things forward in way that Paul and I were always comfortable with.

Mum and Super Stu after his chemo session.

We are so very grateful to them for giving us this extra time with our boy! Every day that we get to spend with our super hoppy boy is a true gift, but not just that, he’s a true inspiration! He doesn’t look at life and say “I don’t think I can do that.” He looks and says “okay, let’s do it! I got this!” It’s hard to have a bad day with Stewie in our lives!

So a huge THANK YOU to everyone at The Nakusp Vet Clinic for working so hard getting Stewie to where he is today!!! We couldn’t be Hoppier!

Stewie would also like to thank all of his Tripawd friends for always being there, through our moments of Aaack attacks and our hours of joy!

With much gratitude! ❤❤❤

Stewie, Petra, Paul, Spike, Chester and Miss Lily.

under: Living the life of a Tripawd


  1. By: benny55 on November 13, 2017 at 7:29 am      Reply

    Oh darling Stewie, you are such a bright light ot us all! You laid homage to your spectacular VEt Team Stewie perfectly! You m ist ve sure they see your hearfelt accolades, okay?

    Now, let’s also give credit where credit is due! You make everybody fall in love with you, so of course you will be treated like the Super Stu King that you are!! 🙂 Every thing about younis so darn loveable! EVERYTHING! In fact, I’m smooching your big loveable paws through the screen right now!! SMOOOOCH!!

    You’ve taught your Mom and Dad how to ve excellent role models for BEING MORE STEWIE!! 🙂 You love blissfully from one g@orious moment to the next just being dog! AND you are showing the world thst bid fluffy dogs with big fluffy paws and smoochable mugs can rock three legs like a Champ!! 🙂

    We luv you Stewie! 🙂 🙂 🙂 And your Mom and Dad too! 🙂

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • By: Super Stu! on November 13, 2017 at 7:49 am      Reply

      Darling Thally!

      My vet team Absalutely knows that they are appreciated. I took them lunch one day, ‘cause I know that treats say a lot!!! (Right?!!!) and they really appreciated the grub! They work hard right, so they must be hungry all day long!

      I can feel your smooches Thally, I can!!!❤️ I know how to take proper lovin’ now. I don’t get growly when people put there arms around me to give me cuddles anymore! My Mum did try telling me that people only want to do it ‘cause I’m so smoochable! It must be all those pawsome treats I get when I’m a good boy!

      Yeah, my Pawrents are Pawsome! I am a Heavyweight Champion aren’t I Thally?! My prize belt Tripawds Bandanna is on its way! 🥇🥊🏆🎗

      I Ruv you more Thally!❌⭕️
      Cuddles from your Super Stu, Petra, Paul and Stewie’s Feline Pride!❤️❤️❤️

  2. By: Jesh on November 13, 2017 at 7:16 am      Reply

    Hip-hip-hooray! You lucky dawg! Finished with round 6, and doing pawsome awesome! What a great team you have!

    • By: Super Stu! on November 13, 2017 at 7:30 am      Reply

      Thanks Jan! TT Bailey is coming up for her final round isn’t she?! Another 🔔 ringing pawty in the making I think!!!

      Keep hopping strong TT Bailey, we Tripawds got this!❤️

  3. By: Super Stu! on November 13, 2017 at 6:29 am      Reply

    Hi Holly & Purrrrkins

    You’re absalutely right… Im going to keep taking my Mum back for those Spa treatments! Lots of Lovin’ and Treats Holly! That’s what I get! ❤️🍗

    We Tripawds are Pawsomely Abled!!! Isn’t that right Mr. Purrrrrkins?!

    Lots of Hugs and Sandpaper Kisses From Team Super Stu!

  4. By: Purrkins on November 13, 2017 at 5:39 am      Reply

    Yay Stewie no more major treatments but you know what you get to go to the SPA !! 🎉🎊🦔

    Must be a secret among the tripawds they can do anything not disabled in any way differently ABLED!

    We are honored to be on team Stewie! 🛎🛎🔔🔔📣📢🦔🦔🦔

    Hugs, Cuddles and scratches to the gang!
    Holly, Mark Purrkins & Saxton😽😻

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