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Happy Ampuversary and 9th BarfDay Super Stewie!!!

Posted by: | February 16, 2019 | 8 Comments |

Hi Everyone, StuButt here again!!!

I asked Mum to hold off on writing my blog this month ‘cause i wanted her to include my BarfDay Celebrations too!! Yup, i am now 9️⃣ years old and still rockin’ & hoppin’ it good after 1️⃣9️⃣ Months on 3️⃣!!!!

Pretty cool virtual Hedgie cards heh? Thanks Whispering Purrrkins, Sexy Saxton, Aunt Holly and Mr Mark! 😘

I got not 1 PupCake this month but 2!!! Yup, i got a PuppyCake for my Ampuversary

and then i got my Hedgie PupCake for my BarfDay!


They were soooo yummy you guys!!! I am such a lucky dawg, but Mum and Dad say that they are even more fortunate to have me with them still! Well, I’m not intending on going anywhere… I’m not missing out on my monthly Hedgie Cakes!!!!


And i got a new Blue Hedgie for my Barfday!!! He has funny little ears, but i let him share my Hedgie PupCake with me anyway! It was such a great BarfDay pawty, even Spikey got up to celebrate with me!! I let Pigger teddy clean up what Blue Hedgie didn’t want…

We got to celebrate my Auntie Anne’s BarfDay aswell this past month… she and i are about the same age now!! Okay, maybe she is a little bit older!! 😜 

I also went on a road trip with Mum, Dad and Auntie Anne a couple of weeks back and i have to say that it was a long trip, but boys da boys did i ever have fun!! I Ruv my road trips!!! I sleep for daze after a good road trip…

It has been a super cold month here up in the Great White North, so much so that Mum and Dad wouldn’t let me lay out in the snow when i wanted, but i sneak out there when i can and lay down in my favourite spot on the deck. I don’t notice that it’s cold, but my pawrents say that i don’t have a thick enough coat to be a mountain snow dawg anymore… 

It has gotten cold enough that our water line intake pipe froze up! Dad had to go up to the top of our creek and cut off a 60ft length of pipe, so that he could bring it down to the house to thaw out. Then he had to go back up to clean out the rest of the ice build up inside of the pipes and within a few hours he had our water running again! Thanks Dad! 😅 It has only frozen 3 times over the 11 years that we have lived here and this is definitely the coldest yet!!! 🥶 

My oldest brother Spikey is feeling much better and still going strong… my Mum calls him a Spitfire!! He is always eating and sleeps lots when he isn’t hungry, but he still loves his brushing sessions from Dad and lots of lovin’ from Mum when she gets home from work! I can’t wait to celebrate his 20’th BarfDay in April, maybe ill get an extra PupCake!!! 😘

Chester McFiend and TedWardo are the best of buds and sometimes they gang up on me and play with my tail… I hate that, so I growl at them to tell them to buggar off!! And Miss Lily is still very Prissy, she still yells at her Pesky Cat Brothers when they come close, but especially when Chester Pester gives her the snake eyes! Food is the only thing that brings them close enough to kiss! They ruvved my BarfDay celebrations too 😻😻😻😻

Aunty Anne made Mum a beautiful blanket and because it was MY Barfday, I got to lay on it but so did Chester Molester… he took it all!!! I tried growling at him, but he wouldn’t listen, so I moved!!! I do Ruv him but he is definitely a Chester McFiend!!!

All in all i have to say that my Furmily is doing great and we look forward to another month of exciting things to come… 

So until next time my friends, keep hopping happily along and Love your furmily’s to pieces, ‘cause Life’s too short not to!!!

Rots of Ruvin’ from Stewie and his Amazing Pack! 


Oh and thith one’th for you Mith Thally, you thaid you Ruvved drumth right?! Have a listen to AllenSong’s latest, you’re gonna Ruv it!!

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!, Top 100 Tripawd List of Luxuries!


  1. By: jerry on February 19, 2019 at 10:00 am      Reply

    Stewwwwwwwwiiiiieeeeee! Hoppy Ampubarfday handsome! You still look like a big ol’ cuddly snow dawg to us, I’m so glad you got to enjoy at least a little bit of time out there. That is a CRAZY lotta snow!

    I think there is something in that magical mountain water that helps all of your pack stay healthy and strong. I mean between you and Spikey beating so many odds, that water is quite special! Please send some our way, we can sure use some extra Stewie Magic in our life.

    Looks like you are getting the kind of lovin’ and attention that a rock star deserves. Congrats Stewie! You light up our world and sparkle the Tripawds universe. We are so, so hoppy for you and the whole pack!

  2. By: dobemom on February 17, 2019 at 8:19 am      Reply

    Happy, hoppy celebrations Stewie! So happy you are doing well, and surviving the cold weather. My terrorist tots don’t do so good in it, but they try. Those were some pretty awesome cakes you got, and how nice of you to share with your fur-sibs. Keep up the good work, we’re all cheering you on as you show cancer who’s da boss!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

    • By: Super Stu! on February 18, 2019 at 7:26 am      Reply

      Hi there Paula and Terrorist Tots!

      Hehe! I definitely got a kick out of this description of your little fellas! Please give them a good cuddle from me!
      Stewie is so very good with his Catssss, he puts up with a lot from them!! The description of little terrorists would fit here too!!
      You would be pleased to know that i think of Nitro often… Nitro gave us a solid reason to believe that Stewie can make it into ‘old age’ and believe (hope!) that maybe he has kicked this 💩 C in the butt!
      Stewie is Da Boss!!!
      Very special kisses to Warrior Angel Nitro!!!

  3. By: Michelle on February 16, 2019 at 1:10 pm      Reply

    Happy Birthday Stewie and HAPPY AMPUVERSARY. I am so glad we get to celebrate with you. You are getting around well for a 9 year old boy and a Tripawd. Keep kicking butt and we will be here celebrating your 20 ampuversary before you know it.

    Happy Birthday

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • By: Michelle on February 16, 2019 at 5:27 pm      Reply

      I forgot to mention I loved the new song <3 <3 <3 Keep on writing and singing.


    • By: Super Stu! on February 16, 2019 at 9:23 pm      Reply

      We’re always so hoppy to see you Michelle! Thanks for joining yet another of Stewie’s amazing Ampuversary’s! We are truly blessed to have this boy in our lives, I never imagined that we would see his ninth birthday!
      So see you next month for his 20th Ampuversary (WOW!) and what a Pawty it will be next year for his 10th BarfDay! 😁
      We’re so happy that you love the song, thank you, we shall definitely keep on singing! 💗 🎤 🎶
      Hugs to you and Spirit Kisses to Angel Sassy

  4. By: Purrkins on February 16, 2019 at 11:30 am      Reply

    I ruv your pup & hedgie cakes and we know what a lucky dawg you are we plan on celebrating next bday with you and every ampuversary!

    Awe Stewie you are the best dawg to share your cake with Teddy no other pup would share with his kitty FAMILY;)

    We are not telling Anne you are saying she is older than you shhhh! She won’t be making more blankets for you shhhh!:)🤫

    SPITFIRE SPIKEY IS smiling and of course, he got up to celebrate such a big day. He is going to celebrate his 20th bday 🎂🎉🎊🎁😻🙌🏻 and he has to have a kitty cake tell Mum k? 🐟🐠🧁 I bet he will share with you! Big celebrations for being 20-years-old! Tell the dog bakery we the kitties need cakes too, please! I bet if you tell them Stewie they will listen.

    Stubutt you keep hopping happily along and we will be seeing you next month until then stay warm & thanks for ruving us pesky kitties.
    We ruv you LOTS!

    P.S. Ruv the new band;)🥁
    Whispering Purrkins peeps, Sexy Saxton, Mr. Mark & Miss Holly

    • By: Super Stu! on February 16, 2019 at 12:05 pm      Reply

      I Ruv your BarfDay song Miss Holly! Thank you!! Here’s to many, many more celebrations together!!

      I Ruv my Kitty Furmily… they may be a pain in my Butt, but they keep me company and i Ruv to play with them!

      Hehe! We won’t tell Auntie Anne that i said this okay!! We’ll see if she notices! 😉 Mum is still waiting for her slippers 🤫 😁

      Im going to talk to the PupCake lady for sure and ask her to make a very special cake for Spitfire Spikey! That’s a great idea!!! We will definitely look forward to celebrating with you and Mr Purrrkins and Sexy Saxton! You guys Rock!!!

      We’re happy to hear that you like The Invisible Clones Band. They make a great accompaniment to AllenSong!

      Rots of Ruvin to you all, see you next month!!!
      ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

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