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Super Stu’s 20 Month Ampuversary Celebrations!

Posted by: | March 13, 2019 | 13 Comments |

Hello to all of my TriPawd mates!

I am now celebrating my 20 Month Ampuversary and i couldn’t be hoppier!!! Not only because i got a new Smudge nosed Hedgie, a Bully stick and a PuppyCake, but because my pawrents Ruv me so very much and as each month goes by, they Ruv me even more! I didn’t think it was pawsible, but they do!!!

Here’s my video showing how much I Ruv all of my treats! I know how spoiled I am, I really do and I’m not complaining!

Not a whole heck of a lot to report this month… although i did get to go on a fun road trip with my pawrents and my Aunty Anne! Me and my Aunty also got to hang out at her place with her Kitty BooBoo, while my Mum and Dad went on a road trip without me. I don’t mind that they left me behind on that one, ‘cause i was pretty worn out from our trip a few daze before.

Me and BooBoo had a great time together… i curled up beside all of her toys waiting for her to come and play with me, but she just came out and gave me dirty looks! But then she warmed up and came and sat beside me while Aunty Anne watch some TV.

My Pawrents are getting ready for an AllenSong show at the end of this month… they are pretty excited ‘cause it is a home town show and they are going to bring along a couple of friends to sing with them. Their name is The Stephensons and they play really cool music too!

But the best news for them is that AllenSong got nominated for a Kootenay Music Award! Mum had produced a video for Dad’s song called “Eternal Soul” and they need all the votes they can get in order to even have a chance of winning the Best Music Video award. So if you have a couple of minutes and want to check out the video and vote for AllenSong, please go to scroll down to the 6th video and watch AllenSong’s video and then scroll down to the bottom of the page to vote!

And speaking of votes… how about we all vote for this winter to be done already!!! I don’t like this cold, the snow is too wet to try and hop through and I want to get to my front deck so that I can keep guard over my kingdom! Spring is on its way and with it will come some very hungry critters! After such a long cold winter, they will be much braver than normal, ‘specially those big fluffy bears, I need to tell him to stay away from the house and I also need to keep those Crafty Coyotes away from my Kittens!

Thanks for joining me in this months celebrations 🎉🎊🎉 I Ruv showing people how Big Dawgs Rock it on 3!! I may not hop very far but boys-Da-boyz I am treated like a Rock Star wherever I go!! 🤩

See you next month my TriPawdian friends, I wish you all Good Love and True Hoppiness!

Super Duper Stu, Señor Spitfire Spikey, Chessie Fluff McDuff, TedWardo LapLander and Lovely Miss Lily

Thanks to Whispering Purrrkins and Smart Sexy Saxton, Miss Holly and Mr Mark for your Virtual Hedgie wishes 😘 😘 😽😻

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!, Top 100 Tripawd List of Luxuries!


  1. By: Jan on March 29, 2019 at 2:31 pm      Reply

    Woo hoo! So excited for your birthday and another month ampuversary! You are looking as handsome as ever and lead such an exciting life.
    TTBailey would be very proud of your progress and endurance!

    • By: Super Stu! on March 30, 2019 at 7:05 am      Reply

      Hi Jan

      It’s always lovely to see you! Thankyou for your belated birthday wishes, i never imagined that we would see his 9th birthday and now i have hope to see his 10th!! 🙏

      TTBailey would be proud wouldn’t she?!! You must still miss her very much and i do feel for you! I know she is up at the Rainbow bridge and continues to be your Spirit Guardian! I am sending very special kisses to her and many hugs to you.

      All the very best to you Jan, see you next time!

  2. By: benny55 on March 14, 2019 at 11:24 am      Reply

    Okay Thewie, I did make it over to vote and lithhen to that LOVELY thong! Tho beautiful and thuth a great journal!😎

    Yeth, you all found your fate….and ith besutiful❤

    Back later!

  3. By: benny55 on March 14, 2019 at 11:08 am      Reply

    THEWIE!!!! Thewiiiiieeeee!!!! You muth think I’m a worthleth friend! I haven’t even posted in uour previoth blog, and here we are thelebrating another great milestone for the month handthom fella’ on the planet!!!

    I juth wamnt ypto alwayth give your great blog the attention and focuth they detherve be with they are alwath tho brilliantly done!! And becauth I ruv you!

    Thooooo, I’m coming back tho I can vote, tho I can comment on that great video with thong in the other poth, so I can focuth on everything wonderful about Thewie!!!
    Ethpethally the adorable picthurth😎


    Loth of ruv
    Thally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • By: Super Stu! on March 15, 2019 at 9:21 am      Reply

      Hi Mith Thally!

      How wonderful to thee you!!! You’re not worthleth my darling, you are a pritheleth gem 💎!

      Life get’th buthy thometime’th right! Tho don’t ever feel bad for not commenting on my blog page, the daze fly by and before we know it, another month hath flown by!!!

      It makth’ me happy to know that you Ruv my blogth, i work thuper hard to make sure that i can let people can thee that life on three ith a great life to live!

      And thank you for voting for my Pawrent’th video… you’re abtholutely correct when you thay that they have ‘Found their Fate!’, i Ruv being their Groupie!

      Thank’th again Mith Thally! Rot’th of Ruv coming to you, Merry Myrtle and Freakin’ Handsome Franky

  4. By: jerry on March 14, 2019 at 9:48 am      Reply

    Wheeeeeee!!!! I feel as hoppy as a hedgie knowing that you knocked out another ampuversary. YEAH STU!!!

    I am so hoppy your people shared that video of you with all your delights. You are such a gentle eater, savoring every bite.

    Hey what’s in that shiny fur of yours? It looks LOVELY!! Do tell your beauty secrets ya hear?

    Oh and as soon as Admin is done with his quiet time I want to listen to your friend’s music. What a great show it will be I’m sure. Can’t wait to hear more. Will you be the doordawg at the concert?

    PS You bet we’ll vote for your people for that award. They sure deserve it! Good luck!!!

    • By: Super Stu! on March 15, 2019 at 9:39 am      Reply

      Hi Jerry’s people!! 😘

      Hedgie’s are Hoppy aren’t they?! Im thrilled to hear that you are as Hoppy as one!!

      Thanks for joining my pawty once again! I feel that it is my turn to apologize for not getting back to your comment from last month… we all very much appreciate you being a part of my journey!

      I Ruv sharing my treats even if it is only through pictures! My pawrents Ruv me so much!!! I know I only get one Hedgie PupCake per month, so i definitely need to savour them!!

      My Aunty Anne’s brushing is my secret!! I do look handsome don’t I?!!

      I wish i could be the DoorDawg at my pawrents’ concert! But I get to go and stay with my Aunty for the evening and believe me, that is just as much fun!

      I know you’ll Ruv The Stephenson’s music, they certainly get the ‘old foot tapping!

      My pawrents don’t believe that they will win the award, but i say there is never anything wrong with trying right! Thanks for your support!!! 😘

      See you again soon my TriPawd Stars! Ruv ya!

  5. By: Purrkins on March 14, 2019 at 6:20 am      Reply

    Wheee Happy/Hoppy 20th Ampuversary!!! You are inspawration to all tripawds. Let alone giant dawgs like yourself! You are a ROCKSTAR SUPER STU!!

    We are going to keep flipping off that you know what. 🎗 Of course, you are loved even more💝! You are our hero’s on three hopping on as happy as can be.🐾 Keep it up Stewie we look furward to every celebration!🎊🎉🥳

    We ruv your video & new smudge nose Hedgie🦔 you will own every hedgie that exists and you should!! The pup bakery has a cake lined up for you every month we love it!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

    I tried to vote and got an error I will let Mum know ok. We put the word out to get some more votes & we will be happy to do that again when they fix the issue. Congrats on the nominee!!🏆

    We also voted for the winter to melt away here and we are in a pool of water now🛶. Careful what we wish for heh? Spring is coming 🌱Stu you can lay out and bask in the sun ☀️soon! You can protect your kingdom and kitties. Tell them bears🐻 & crafty coyotes to buggar off from a distance, please!

    We will see you next month to celebrate 21 months and then the big 2 years wheee!!

    Love to the rest of the furmily please give Mum and Dad some sloppy kisses K!
    We Ruv you!!

    Your fan club in Michigan!
    Mr. Mark, Miss Holly, Whispering Purrkins and Smart Sexy Saxton

    • By: Super Stu! on March 14, 2019 at 9:38 am      Reply

      Hi Miss Holly, Mr Mark, My Whispering Purrrkins and Smart Sexy Saxton!

      We so very much appreciate you all! Stewie Ruvs to show off his TriPawd hop and get Rots of attention, a true inspiration he is!!

      I do believe he will be surrounded by every Hedgie ever made, at least that is my intention! 😉 He deserves every single one of them!

      Hopefully we can get the voting situation sorted out, in the meantime please keep trying… we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

      I’ll be careful of the Bears Miss Holly and I will be sure to yell loudly at those Crafty Coyotes! They won’t dare come near!!

      You’re right, it won’t be long till I am celebrating 2 years hopping on 3! What a purrrfect celebration that will be! Let’s not forget that Mr Purrrkins
      Will be 3 years zooming on 3 around the same time… let’s make sure they have a Pawty of a lifetime!

      Rots of Ruv to our fan club in Michigan! Until next time…

  6. By: Michelle on March 14, 2019 at 6:08 am      Reply

    Hoppy 20 month ampuversary Stewie. You are doing so great. I am glad too. Keep kicking butt. I know we are ready for winter to be over in Iowa too.
    Snow then rain on top of it and flooding here now 🙁 No place for it all to go.

    Sending love and hugs
    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • By: Super Stu! on March 14, 2019 at 9:23 am      Reply

      Good morning Michelle

      As always, it is lovely to see you! Stewie very much appreciates all of the support, it is what helps to keep him strong and kick that 💩 disease right in the Butt!

      Soon enough we will all be complaining about the hot weather, but until then stay warm and dry!

      See you for our next celebration 🎉 Stewie Ruvs hearing from you!

  7. By: dobemom on March 13, 2019 at 8:57 pm      Reply

    Hoppy 20 month ampuversary Stewie! So glad you continue to do well! Uneventful is a good thing, don’t you think? We are also ready for winter to be over! The cold weather has finally left us, it’s warmer, but now we’re getting RAIN for days! The Terrorist Trio are getting ready for “mud season”, I know they will love it – but probably won’t enjoy all those baths they’ll be getting. Take care, Stewie, sending lots of love your way!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro – and a trio of terrorists too

    • By: Super Stu! on March 14, 2019 at 9:13 am      Reply

      Hi Paula and your Trio Of Terrorists!

      You’re absolutely correct, uneventful is a very good thing! Thankfully all is super good and life continues to Rock in 3!

      The Terrorists May love the mud, but I think you’re correct in them not liking the baths so much hehe! I can well imagine the fun you are going to have!

      Thank you once again for your love and support, it means a lot!

      See you next month…
      Rots of Ruv from Stewie!

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