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Super Stu’S 21s & 22nd Ampuversary Celebrations!

Posted by: | May 11, 2019 | 4 Comments |

Super Stu’s 21st and 22nd Ampuversary Celebrations!

Dear TriPawdian Friends,

My sincerest apologies for my very late Blog Post…. So late in fact that I have to combine both of my 21st and 22nd Ampuversaries together!!

My Dad has been hogging the IPawd lately!!! He has been developing this band called “The Invisible Clones Band”. They live inside the IPawd and Dad pushes buttons and stuff to make them learn their parts and then this band plays with AllenSong! They’re the best band ever ‘cause they do everything Dad tells them to do, they don’t chatter back and they don’t need to be fed!! The downer is that they are slow learners… it takes daze and daze to put one song together!

Towards the end of March, my brother Teddy got really ill… He ate a whole BlueJay and I mean a WHOLE BlueJay and he wasn’t feeling well at all afterwards! He wasn’t being his usual Talkative Teddy and he definitely wasn’t being the Pigger Ted like he usually is, in fact he wasn’t moving much at all! Mum and Dad knew he was really sick! Dr Amber, our vet, said that he had scratched up the back of his throat and probably had an infection going on and if he wasn’t feeling better over the weekend then we would take an X-ray to ensure that there wasn’t a blockage.  After a couple of days of antibiotics and as much food as he would eat (normally this would have put him in Pigger heaven!) and he was feeling much better by the following week!

Then we got to celebrate my brother Spike’s 20th Birthday!!! I am totally in awe of my Spikeman… he is so strong and wise and he really is the King of the household! As with every other day, he got whatever he wanted and then some… we all got treats and we sang Happy Birthday Spitfire Spikey!!!

My Pawrents had 3 AllenSong concerts in April! At the first 2 concerts in April they shared the stage with the very talented ‘Stephensons, who play a very Traditional Folk type of music.

EveryPawdy that went to AllenSongs concerts said that they had a great time and really enjoyed the shows! They danced and sang and EveryPawdy had a blast!

The 3rd concert of the month was a little further from home, so i got to stay at Aunty Anne’s for most of the weekend!! She really does spoil me rawtten and I Ruv her to pieces! BooBoo sure lets me know that it’s still HER house! She sits and glares at me and I always look to Aunty Anne to tell me what to do next!

Here are a couple of songs from the AllenSong concert…

Allensong & The Invisible Clones Band “My True Love” video

Allensong & The Invisible Clones Band “By My Side”

We had The Stephensons stay with us for the two concerts that they did with AllenSong and even though I didn’t get to spend much time with them, I got the sense that they weren’t really Fur People. Lady Jane said she was allergic to Catssss, but Miss Lily says that was most rude and she says that Lady Jane just doesn’t like Catssss😾! I mean who in their right mind doesn’t like Catssss?! 😼I Ruv my Catssss!!😻😻😻😻

Oh and you’d never guess what you guys… i went to town with my Dad one afternoon and we walked down to the marina. I’m normally pretty good at balancing on the docks at home, but this one was a little bigger. One minute I was on the dock staring down at the fish and the next minute I was in the lake with the fish staring at me!! It’s a good thing I always wear my harness ‘cause Dad grabbed me real quick and pulled me back up onto the dock! I hightailed it out of their real quick! I hate water!!! I felt like a drowned Rat! I much prefer just hanging out down on my beach, this is as close to the water as i want to get!!

My Aunty from my previous Furmily sent Mum a couple of pictures of me when I was the Public Relations Manager for my General Store, i ruvved my job ‘cause people who came in all said how handsome i was! I know people came back to see me and then of course i would walk them around the store so that they could buy something!

The next pictures are of me when i was a teenager… I was such a handsome pup wasn’t I!!!

It has been a busy month with road trips, I Ruv going on road trips… the best part is that i got to drive in Aunty Anne’s car a couple of times! Dad had to go to the dentist and because Mum was busy working, he and Aunty Anne went together. I get to see everything out of Aunty Anne’s windows, the world is such a cool place!!

Then just a few daze ago, my Aunty Sam and some of her friends came out to visit! We haven’t seen her in a whole year! We all had a great time and i got to hang out with Charlie and Whinnie again! Charlie and Whinnie are so very good, all of my catssss came out to visit with us all, even Teddy came out, which means that these were all good people!!!

I can’t forget my PupCakes… Mum never forgets my PupCakes!!! They are so yummy you guys, i could eat one everyday instead of once a month… and my Bully Sticks…. Yum!!!

And my new Hedgies, so cute… my 21st Hedgie has a cute little snub nose and i got a Hunting Hedgie for my 22nd Ampuversary. I Ruv them both ‘cause they squeak real good!

I am going to leave you with some brilliant pictures of me over the last couple of months and i will see you again in June!!

p.s. Thanks Mr Purrrkins and Sexy Saxton for my virtual Hedgies, i Ruv my new Spring Girlfriend! 🥰🎗🦔🎗🥰

Much Ruv to you all!!


under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!, Top 100 Tripawd List of Luxuries!


  1. By: jerry on May 13, 2019 at 3:23 pm      Reply

    WHEEEEEEEEEE! Stewie you are looking better than ever! Has it really been almost two years? OMG!!!

    I can’t get enough of your ampuversary celebrations and now you gave us two at the same time? I’m about to faint over all the handsome photos you shared, thank you!

    The whole pack is looking so good, and hoppy. I’m thrilled everyone is safe and thriving, there is certainly magic that comes from the music and the love that fills your home my friend.

    As summer gets here I am dreaming about visiting your family again. You live the dream life Stu, keep on keepin’ on!

    (Love the tunes Petra & Paul! Congrats on the steady gigs, you are changing the world with every beautiful performance).


  2. By: Purrkins on May 12, 2019 at 5:15 am      Reply

    Happy/Hoppy 21 & 22 kicken cancers tail Super Star 🌟Stewie!!🎉🎗🦔

    Ruv all the pictures you put up Stewie you guys have had busy daze! We knew Spitfire Spikey would celebrate his 20th bday you are both kings of the house;)

    Great picture of Mum and Dad on stage glad the concerts were a success we were in the audience in spirit tapping our feet.
    Well, Miss lady Jane🙀 😡your loss I say. I agree Miss Lily rude and allergies my arse😻😼 Sorry you guys had to endure a soulless hooman😿.

    Stewie I can see the fish looking at you and you wondering what the buck just happened sorry buddy glad Dad scooped you right out!

    Love seeing you in your youth to such a handsome pup lovely of your former Mum to send these I bet she misses you!

    Oh and Teddy no more Blue Jays silly boy. That’s an enormous bird what were you thinking you were starving? I know you can’t help yourself; you are just a kitty, but please leave those birdies alone.

    Scratches & love the furmily and big sloppy kisses to you Super Stu we love you all!

    Glad the boys picked Hedgies you enjoyed. She is a beautiful hedgie hang on to her;)

    Until next month keep it up Stewie, you keep showing the world how big dogs hop on and kick arse!!

    Miss Holly, Mr. Mark feeling better Sexy Saxton & Mr. Purrkins😻

  3. By: Michelle on May 11, 2019 at 10:57 am      Reply

    Hoppy 21 & 22 ampuversaries stewie. Thank you for sharing all the happenings around your house. Loved the videos of your pawrents songs.

    Love Love the pictures of you as a youngster and later on too. I hope you enjoyed your pupcakes.

    Michelle & Angels Sassy & Bosch

  4. By: dobemom on May 11, 2019 at 10:17 am      Reply

    Happy double ampuversary Stewie! Thank you for the pictures so we can see how handsome and awesome you are doing. Keep up the good work, you are amazing!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

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