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Super Duper Stu celebrates 11 Birthdaze plus 3Yrs & 7 Months on 3!

Posted by: | February 18, 2021 | 6 Comments |

Hoppy Belated Valentines to my Tripawdian Furmily!

I’m so very Hoppy to have you join me in my celebrations this past month, soooo many lovely things to celebrate!

To start with, i celebrated 3 years and 7 months happily hopping on 3 February 10th and then on February 14th, not only was it Valentines for my whole furmily, it was also my 11th Birthday! Once again I had pawsome Pupcake and I even shared some with my kittens!!

Here’s link to my Super Duper Pawty!

Super Duper Stu’s Pawty!

And then just a couple of daze after my 11th Birthday Miss Lily celebrated her 6th Birthday! Join her pawty celebrations below…

Miss Lily’s Birthday Pawty

Now it has been kinda tough on my little sister, cause she has recently been diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism and she is going to need to make a special trip to Calgary, a 7hr drive from home and a two week stay in a strange place in order to get treated. Mum has been been giving Miss Lily some special medicine that gets rubbed into her ear twice a day. She Ruvs getting her medicine! Plus she gets real Freeze Dried Raw Chicken from Stella & Chewys now to make sure that she gets no more fish in her diet, cause fish is bad for that thyroid thing. Who knew that it could be bad for a kitty to eat fish!!

Mum has been pretty worried about Miss Lily and will be pretty stressed out with Miss Lily’s upcoming trip to plan for. But she needs to be constantly reminded that Miss Lily will be cured once she gets her treatment and so long as Miss Lily’s kidneys behave (cause this whole thyroid thing can really play heck in the kidneys), she can live the rest of her long life in comfort!

And Miss Lily’s diagnosis hasn’t been the only disruption in our Furmily… We had to say goodbye to our Old Man Spitfire Spikey!! He reached the grand old age of 21 years, 7 months and 13 daze!!!

Mum had Miss Rene make a really special necklace to honour Spitfire Spikes’ life! We all still REALLY MISS HIM, but Mum says she see’s and feels him with her all the time! 💫💚🦁💚✨

And because Mum had lost my Furever My Heart ring, Miss Rene made sure to make another one for her, even better than the first! And i still get my Super Duper name engraved inside!! Both pieces are true treasures! Thank you Miss Rene for your Gift, Mum Ruvs you!!!

 Tripawds Special Creations at the Etsy Store

If only we could all live such a long and adventurous life!!! He did it with dignity and style and Spikey will ALWAYS BE THE LION KING, overseeing his Kingdom and keeping his Furmily Furever Safe and Sound! 💫💚🦁💚✨

This video link will show you just how full Mr Spikey’s life was, along with all of his brothers and sisters he got to mentor along the way…

Spitfire Spikey!

And then we ALL LOST OUR GOOD FRIEND WYATT-WHO-STILL-HAS-A-LOT-TO-SAY!!! Many tears were shed through out the Tripawds community and Wyatt took a little bit of each of us with him! But he and Jerry will NEVER BE FURGOTTEN! The Tripawd community will honour their Spirits Furever!! Massive hugs to both Miss Rene and Mr Jim, we know that the pain in our hearts never goes away, but it becomes easier to embrace over time! I absolutely Ruv that Mr Wyatt gets to howl with the coyotes and run with the deer, as often as his beautiful spirit desires! But most of the time he and Super Hero Jerry will be right by their Pawrents’ side! Love, Love your Memorial Sign my friend, it was an honour meeting you! 💫💚✨

Plus our Peeps in Michigan have been having a super stressful time… Our Whispering Purrrkins, as many of you now know, has been a Super Hero, disguised as a Kitty! 🦸‍♂️💜🐈🧡🙌 Catch up on all his news and the hazards of the Silent Killer Carbon Monoxide! 

Many prayers to our Little Big fella and the whole Furmily. Thank the Good Lord above for keeping them all safe and sound! We wish this for ALL of our Tripawds Furmily!! Way to go Mr P!!! 🦸‍♂️💜😽🧡🙌

Life has been pretty normal for me, my life as a Super Tripawd is pretty darn good, I’m not going to lie to you folks, it’s like being Royalty I swear! I get to do whatever i want or don’t want for that matter. I expect and receive my monthly Pupcake and Ruv when my Birthday and Ampuversary happens at the same time!

All of my Hedgies 🦔 come out to celebrate with me and because Mum can’t find any new 🦔 in our back woods, she puts some of my 🦔 on a Leash and that makes the chase a little more exciting for me! Plus, i am pretty much guaranteed a Bully stick on top of all of my other Surprizes!

I don’t like to hop very far anymore, i pretty much stay home and look after my Catsss. Like Spikey found out, old age has it’s benefits for sure!

This past year has been tough on many folks, the trials and tribulations in life have been made all that much more difficult to deal with, so please know that the Allen Furmily wishes you ALL THE VERY BEST! We pray that you all stay safe and sound!!

I am going to leave you with pictures of my Furmily of Tripawd Supporters and Cheer Leading Team!

Massive HedgeHugs to you all 😉

Much Ruv from Super Duper Stu, Chester Chief in Charge, Pretty Miss Lily, Talkative Ted, Petra, Paul and Spirit Spitfire Spikey!


under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!, Top 100 Tripawd List of Luxuries!


  1. By: jerry on February 21, 2021 at 3:08 pm      Reply

    Oh Stewie! I’m so glad I waited till a lazy Sunday to catch up on blogs and take time to read about your AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AND INSPAWRATIONAL

    B I R T H D A Y V E R S A R Y !!!!!

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You make us do the hoppy dance and sing and smile BIG, what a wonderful pupdate! We always knew you were super special and know we are certain. To be thriving and loving life after all these years, and looking so darn young, we are pawsitive that you have special fairy dust in your kibble every day. Because you are PURE MAGIC my friend!

    That was quite a party for you and Miss Lily too! Hoppy birthday to her as well, your pack has sure been busy.

    We are so touched that you thought of others in your pupdate, and especially about Wyatt, thank you my furiend. We will never furget the time we spent with you and crazy Wyatt, what a wild time that was eh? You were so mellow even when Wyatt was going crazy in his own special way. I think your mellowness is another special ingredient keeping you so healthy and strong. We can all learn so much from you!

    Anyhoo, just wanted to say this is our most favorite Stewie news ever, what a treat! Congratulations and BIG CHEERS for many, many more!

    P.S. Petra that is so sweet of you to share our jewelry, thank you! Oh and the Tripawds portraits of the entire bunch: PRICELESS!!!

    Love you guys!!!

    • By: Super Stu! on February 22, 2021 at 7:24 am      Reply

      Good Monday Morning Jerry & Wyatt’s Pack!!

      Miss Rene, you know i Ruv Lazy SunnyDaze!! Thank you for interrupting yours to come and say hi! 😁 You said i am “AMAZING AND WONDERFUL AND INSPAWRATIONAL” and this made me blush, but could you tell me again please, I so ruv the sound of that!! 👅 And you’re doing the Hoppy Dance for me!! Now I am truly honoured!! I never thought to call it my BIRTHDAYVERSARY! No wonder I deserve such a wonderful Pupcake with a Title like that!!

      My Mum sprinkles something on my kibbles and it sure tastes like fairly dust Miss Rene and do you know what… Fairy Dust tastes like BACON 🥓!!! 😋 She calls it my Salt & Peppa! I don’t care what we call it, i just know i Like it!!

      Miss Lily says to say thank you Miss Rene, she had a pawsome pawty! Mum and Dad have changed the direction of Miss Lily’s treatment, she is going West instead of East and as her big protective brother, i can’t tell you how pleased i am that she is going to VANCOUVER to the Iodine Cat Cafe!! WHOO HOO, she and Mum are going to have a super exciting road trip together!! Mum said that she is being guided to the special Cafe, ‘cause Miss Holly said that Miss Mona was going to go and visit them, but sadly Miss Mona went to visit the 🌈 Bride instead 😢 Sweet Catnaps Miss Mona! 💫😽✨

      I’m even more mellow now Miss Rene, but one of these years, Wyatt and I will be running with the wind and Mellow will never be in our vocabulary evah again! And boyz‘da-boyz will we evah give those Wylie Coyote’s a run for their money!!! 💫🐺💨✨

      Our Tripawdian community has lost far too many good souls Miss Rene and we will miss them all! But we can honour them in the best way we can and always Whisper Their Name, to ensure that They Will Always Remain! The 🌈 Bridge must be one Pawsome place, but i do wish it was closer sometimes!

      And Mum says she has’t taken her Ring and Chain off yet! 😁 💚💍📿💚

      Much Ruv from Super Duper Stu and his Kitty Tripawd Cheerleaders!!! 👅😻😻😻 Mum and Dad 💕 and our SpitFire Spikey! 💫💚🦁💚✨

  2. By: Purrkins on February 20, 2021 at 10:16 am      Reply

    Hoppy/Happy Ampuversary Super Duper Stu!!😁😁😁


    You are an inspawration to all tripawds everywhere, not to mention enormous ones, just like you, Stu!

    Plus, Happy/Hoppy birthday I forgot you and the boys were the same age;) Not surprising either, now is it?! Your Mum will understand that one hehe.

    Miss Lily will be ok, you wait and see! 🔮 She will get her cure she has Spitfire Spikey helping as only Spikey can do!

    We ruv your Mum’s ring, and a chain miss Rene made PURRFECT!

    Purrkins here, Super Stu thanks for including my magical powers on your blog! I’m working my way back slow, but sure! I tell you, these drugs are way too much for this super kitty! Mum is working with the vets, so I know I will have all my flying capabilities back soon.

    We love seeing the Allen furmily tripawd ambassadors hehe not that Teddy and Chessie enjoyed lol.

    Here is to many more pupcakes, , hedgies, bullies, birthdays, and doing whatever you wish Super Duper Stu! 🎗🏆🎗🦔🦔🦔( i will add Michelle yes in the USA anyway;)

    Our hearts will never be the same w/o Spikey’s earth clothes! But he has superpowers on the other side, and that helps the hoomans see. Yep, Spikey is indeed still in touch!

    We ruv you all!!
    Your peeps in Michigan!

    • By: Super Stu! on February 20, 2021 at 11:00 pm      Reply

      Thank you Miss Holly, Mr Mark, my Whispering Purrrkins and Smart Sexy Saxton!!!! 😀

      I am a Miracle Dawg aren’t I! Mum is feeling pretty blessed with Miracles lately and will be furever grateful! I sure hope I inspire LOTS of dawgs of MANY sizes out there and maybe my Tripawd Cheer-Kitty Team will do a good job of getting out the Tripawds brochures when they arrive! Maybe Miss Lily can take some to Vancouver with her!! There’s a miracle in itself right! Mr P will whisper his two bits while she’s there, I’m certain of this!;) Hehe! No, we are NOT surprised that we are all the same age! 👁🔮😽👅😽😘🙌😁

      Yup, we now KNOW that Miss Lily is going to be OKAY and Mum can now BREATHE AGAIN!! Spitfire Spikey most definitely had his paws in this plan, but we shouldn’t be surprised because I had my Whispering Purrrkins poking me at the same time! 🦸‍♂️😽😘

      And speaking of Mr P, we know he is going to make a Super Comeback ‘cause he’s a Super Kitty! You brought up a very important fact Mr P, CO NEEDS to be talked about and you started a really good conversation! Between Mr P and Spitfire Spikey both FLYING on either side of our realms, we are so covered my friends!! 🦸‍♂️🐈🌎➕💫💚🦁💚✨➡️👌🙌🙏

      I think you found the last ‘unique’ Hedgie in the US of A Aunt Holly, but keep checking your woods, there might be one disguised as a Turkey! 🦃🌪💥💫⏭🦔😁

      Tons of HedgeHugs to all my Amurican Furmily!

      p.s. I Ruv my Ring & Chain! 💫💍📿✨

  3. By: Michelle on February 19, 2021 at 1:44 pm      Reply

    Hey Stewie,
    Hoppy Ampuversary and Hoppy Birthday. 3 years and 7 months way to go. So amazing. I have been wondering how you have been doing. Keep kicking butt. You have all the Hedgies ever made probably 🙂

    Keep celebrating everyday. Hey remind your pawrents to make sure to take pictures (selfies) with you & them in them. They will always treasure those.

    Sending hugs
    Michelle, Jasmine, Chief and my Angels Sassy, Bosch, Baby Simba and Sweet Snickersdoodle Bear

    • By: Super Stu! on February 20, 2021 at 10:18 pm      Reply

      Hi Michelle,
      Thank you for always thinking of our Stu-butt-kicking-butt!! You’re absolutely right, he IS amazing and we are so very fortunate to have him with us still!

      And yes, I do believe he has every Hedgie out there, but if any of you Tripawdian Hawks 👀 see any new styles out there, please let me know! Check his last blog video to see if he has every single Hedgie in the world! He would Ruv another international Hedgie!🌎🦔🌍

      Hehe, Mum doesn’t do well with ‘selfish’🤳 ooops, I mean ‘selfies’, she’s intentionally ALWAYS BEHIND the camera! 😉 But she will try to make an effort to put herself in the occasional frame fur her kids 😬

      Hugs to you, Jasmine & Chief and very special spirit kisses to all of your angels! 💫💚✨

      Lots of Ruv from Super Stu and his Furmily of Tripawd Cheerleaders

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