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Super Duper Stu celebrating 3 yrs plus!!!

Posted by: | September 25, 2020 | 10 Comments |

Hoppy Fall (hehe, no pun intended!) to my Tripawdian friends!

Super Stu here, still hopping hoppily along! I know it’s been a few months since I saw you all last, but I am more than hoppy to tell you that life in the Kootenays is still as good as evah!! My Mum says to say that she is sorry for not getting me online sooner, but as usual, Life has taken over and that’s not always a bad thing right!!

I want to start by thanking those of you who left heartwarming comments on my last blog. I bit Mum’s ankle for being so rude and not replying to Michelle, Karen and Stacey!!! I’m so sorry for not replying to you! How very rude right!!! Please know that I read all of your lovely comments and I have to tell you that you all have a really bad habit of making me feel truly Ruvved!!!

Life has been treating me soooo well! My furmily lets me do what ever I want and I can tell you that I don’t always want to do that much… I am getting older and lazier! I’m now 10 and a 1/2 years old and believe me when I tell you that my age is the only thing slowing me down, ‘cause hopping around on 3 Paws has never been an issue!

I still love my truck rides, but I am just as keen to stay home and sleep too. Unfortunately our old Suburban got old and fell apart…literally! She was getting really old and we went on lots of adventures together, but she just couldn’t do it anymore. I still really miss my old ‘Burban! 

Dad got himself a new, (older) truck after the old ‘Burban kicked the proverbial bucket and it’s really cool, but I need a bit more help getting into it, so I don’t really consider it to be MY truck yet! Mum told me that she is working on a ramp so that I can feel more confident about getting myself in and out. Maybe that is how I can get MY truck back!

One of the other downers to this past summer (other than the whole world going crazy!) is that I didn’t get a ride on my Toaster! Poor old Toasty McBoaty broke her drive train and she needs to be sent to the repair vet! Plus we have had some really bad smokey daze up here with all of the tragic fires that are burning in your California’s and all the other places too, so it’s never a good idea to go boating in this weather.

We all feel really bad for all of the hoomans that have lost their lives and their homes due to the fires, we only have to suffer with the smokey mountains! Our Prayers go out to everyone! 🙏

I do Ruv all of the attention that I get you guys! EveryPawdy wants to pet an old dawg on 3 legs!! Sometimes it takes hoomans a couple of minutes to realize that I am only hopping on 3 and they always act so shocked!! They all say the same thing…. “he’s only got 3 legs!” Like I didn’t already know right!! I try to act shocked too, just to make them feel a little better, but it just comes out like a big grin!!

The other thing I’ve come to realize as a big old 3 pawed dawg, is that everypawdy wants to help! I get help when I need to hop up into my truck, I get a special bowl so that I don’t have to bend over when I’m eating, I have special rugs all over my house so that I don’t slip and the best part is when I get driven all over my property in the back of my UTV ‘cause I can’t hop too far anymore!! I Ruv my life!!

And do you know who doesn’t come knocking on my door anymore…?? Those Phantom Limb Pain things!!!! I haven’t seen or felt them in months and months now and I can tell you that I don’t miss them one little bit!!!

The most yummy part about my life on 3 is that since July 10th 2017, when I first had my leg and my horrid pain taken away, I have eaten 36 yummy Pupcakes! (but who’s counting ;)! Oh and the gazillion stuffed Hedgies I have!!! I do believe that I have every species of Hedgie alive and some of them are even twins!! The twins below are Paternal twins folks, don’t judge!!! 🦔🦔

As most of you know, i have ruvved my Hedgies my whole life, but lately I have been telling Mum that they tire me out too much… I Ruv their company, don’t get me wrong, I just can’t keep up with them anymore! This is the down side to getting old!

But I’m never too old to get my Pupcakes!! Check out my 3yr Ampuversary Pupcake you guys, it was hoooge and it lasted me all week!

Mum set out all of my Hedgies that I have collected over the years, I’m very proud of my Band of Hoppy Hedgies!

I tell you though, my kittens are my very best friends and my constant company, I Ruv them sooooo much! My oldest brother Spitfire Spikey is still plodding along at 21 & a 1/2 years old. He truly amazes us all! I tell you, he’s going to live furever!!

My sidekick Chester is still a Pester. He gets grounded for wandering too far from home, so he sulks and says he is going to run away if he doesn’t get his way!

I told him i don’t know where he is going to go??? NoPawdy else was going to spoil him as rawten as our pawrents do!!! He didn’t disagree…

Talkative Ted is still a major Pigger, but at least he ALWAYS stays close to home!

And our Pretty Miss Lily is still Prissy! She is always causing trouble with us boys and tells on us ALL the time!

Mum and Dad are still singing together, but because there is this whole Pandemic thing going on, they haven’t been able to get out and perform live for other hoomans. They have been staying close to home and having fun making moosic videos. I Ruv AllenSong’s most recent video, ‘cause it shows that even though we are in some pretty crazy times right now, all that matters is the LOVE that we all share together! ♥️🎶

Check out more of their videos on AllenSong’s YouTube channel You’ll love them, I promise!!

But before I sign off, I must tell  you… this Pupdate would have taken me another 100 Blooming years if it wasn’t for some very special help behind the scenes… My blog page wasn’t cooperating well and Mum needed to just keep trying to come back on and get it finished, but it just wasn’t working out for her. So she got in touch with Miss Holly & Mr Purrrkins and after trying everything she could think of, she set me up with the tools to go and ask Jim/Admin/😎 for help on site… I really didn’t want to trouble Mr Jim and Miss Rene, but honestly you guys, we would have been celebrating my 100th Ampuversary before you got any pupates to read! Major kudos to Mr Jim/Admin/😎 for performing his usual magic, working me through each step to get our blog working again 😉 Thank you so very much for your time Jim and Miss Holly!!!

So my lovely Tripawdian friends’ I will say A’Hoy for now! I will try to get Mum to sign me in a little more often, even if its just a goofy picture and a hello… stay well, stay strong and remember that it is always better to hop on 3 than it is to limp on 4!!!

Much love and sloppy kisses to you all! ♥️👅♥️

Plus very special hugs to Miss Rene (and family), Mr Jim and darling Mr Wyatt-Has-A-Lot-T0-Say 💕 

Super Stu and his Purrrrfect Furmily


under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!, Top 100 Tripawd List of Luxuries!


  1. By: Michelle on October 1, 2020 at 6:23 pm      Reply

    Yay Stewie. I am so happy for you 3 years on 3 legs. This is such a wonderful update. I keep watching for updates from you. Keep hopping right along.

    Thanks for sharing the kitty updates too. Its always good to hear how everyone is doing in your family.

    Loved the new song by your mom & dad. Great music. 🙂

    I am so glad the blog is up and running again and thank you for sharing all the wonderful pictures.

    Hugs to you

    Michelle & Angels Sassy, Bosch and Baby Simba.

    • By: Super Stu! on October 1, 2020 at 11:38 pm      Reply

      Hi Michelle. It’s always lovely to see you! AllenSong especially loves to see you pop in on their FaceBooger page, we so appreciate your support and we love that you love our songs! Thank you!!

      We are overjoyed to be celebrating 3 years on 3 paws with our boy! We never thought that we would be blessed with this much extra time with him and if i had to do it all again, i would do it in a heartbeat! As we can all attest in some way, the journey may be a bit ruff at the beginning but the payoff is huge!

      Stewie loves to tell tails on his kittens! He Ruvs them that much!! Chester loves to give nose kisses to his big brother, but tends to piss him off a little when he turns into a McFiend and tries to play with his precious tail!! Miss Lily likes to swat at his bum as he hops by and Stewie knows to NEVER MAKE EYE CONTACT WHEN SHE IS SINGING!!! Teddy just talks and Stewie just listens… he may roll his eyes sometimes ‘cause all Teddy does is talk about food… FOOD, FOOD FOOD! You would think he was born in the woods or something!! And we ALL BOW DOWN TO SPITFIRE SPIKEY!!!
      Thanks for being a fan Michelle, Stewie has much to tell and he Ruvs posing for the camera!! 😁
      Big hugs to you as well my dear. Stay safe, keep well and stay tuned… 🎶 🎥 🔜

  2. By: Purrkins on October 1, 2020 at 12:06 pm      Reply

    Whoo-hoo delighted to receive a blog notification!😄🙌🏻

    Hoppy 3 year PLUS Super Duper Duper Duper Stu!

    We always LOVE seeing you hop on and seeing you be a ham for the camera! Mr. grins😁😄🥰;) You continue to be an inspawaration to ALL tripawds everywhere, giant and small! You and your brother Spitfire Spikey are shining examples of what is possible and give us ALL the HOPE we need!

    Your band of hedgies is something to see, twins, and all! We need to phone the manufactures to make YOU some new versions! I know they are tiring you out, but we still need to add to your band of hedgies for your company and to admire at the very least. 😉

    Poor Talkative Teddy,😸 your peeps know you are making sure you have an extra meal just in case! Being on the streets is a memory, but looking for that next meal 🐁will never be right, buddy;) better to be safe than sorry;) 😸We are happy to see the name change and no more 🛣Traveling Teddies.😻😘

    And Chessie, we had this convo before you need to stay in range as Miss Bear 🐻is still awake. Please stay within your tracking range; there are far too many dangers out there. 🦅🦉🐻 You know you have it made buddy nice try, though. :)😺 😘

    Spitfire Spikey, you are simply amazing. 😻😘 we can only hope to follow in your paws!

    Miss Lily you have a tough job to do, so you keep those boys in check, ok hiss;)😸😘

    Here is to the 100th ampuversary and 100 more pupcakes, Super Duper Stu (MIRACLE SUPERTHAR) stealing Sally’s purrfect words;) ! With your PURRFECT family.

    We ruv you all!
    Your peeps in Michigan.
    Mr. Purrkins, Sexy Saxton, Mr. Mark, and Miss Holly😻😻😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💝💝💝🦔🦔🦔🎗🎗🎗

    P.S Thank you, Admin, for working your magic. Mr. P and I did all we knew how to do within our minimal pay grade!😁 Hopefully, we did not hinder the job!

    • By: Super Stu! on October 1, 2020 at 11:11 pm      Reply

      Well hello to my favourite American Kittens!! 😽 😽

      Miss Holly, you send the best Ampuversary cards and Mum forgot to add one to my blog this time! Uuuugh, she really needs to get back on this blog thing again, she is sorely lacking in the brain power some daze!🤪 i’ll make her go in and put my 3 year Hedgie card up, i would love to share them all, but this blog has already turned into novella! 📖 Thank you for never forgetting my special day Miss Holly, your Pawsitivity is another reason that I’m still here and i hope you can keep up with me ‘cause I’m gonna need another twelve✖️💯 more Hedgy cards!!! 😁 😘

      We have been bugging our lady at DogSense and she is on a mission to find any and all kinds of different Hedgies for Stewie. It’s funny ‘cause i think the whole of Nakusp knows that Stewie Ruvs his Hedgies and I will get total strangers telling me that they have seen new Hedgehogs in the Home Hardware store, but unfortunately they are usually Twin Hedgies and are on a waiting list to go somewhere else… and you’re right, i do need to keep on adopting new Hedgies, they are excellent company and make for good entertainment… especially when one takes daze to set up a bazillion Hedgies on one’s deck!!!

      Teddy says you got it right Miss Holly!!! One can never ASSume (and he sure has a big one 🐖) when the world will stop producing cat food and toilet paper, so one must keep the shelves well stocked and the forest COMPLETELY CLEARED!!! 🐁 🐀 🦇 🕷 🐍 🐦 🐓 😬

      Chester McFar is staying pretty close these days thank goodness, but that doesn’t mean we let him off the hook that easy! Thank goodness for their tracker collars ‘cause they can travel quite a distance in under 3 minutes!!! 😼 Nice try is right! Where else on earth would he get this spoilt rawtten, that is unless he was living at your place! 😉

      Miss Lily has got the ‘Hisssssy’ fit down pat! She thinks she has a really good singing voice too, but i keep telling her that she is a little off key and the boys just don’t have any appreciation for how back alley singing can make one feel, no matter how bad it is! She doesn’t care, ‘cause she has a LOT to sing about!!!

      And Spikey, my darling boy Spikey. He sure knows what it feels like to pass the 💯 Mile marker and he says it’s really groovin’! Stewie says Spike gives him all the HOPE in the world and makes his Paws look small in comparison!!

      Stay with us on this 💯 Mile journey my friend and each year we will have you join in on our celebrations to make them that much more special! Thank you for everything! And tell my Whispering Purrrkins that he does a Stella job on Blog Theories, tell him he passed with flying colours, i think he made admins 😎 job just a wee bit easier.

      Rots of Ruv from us all up here in the Smokey Kootenays and special ruvin’ from our Miracle SuperThar Stu!

  3. By: jerry on October 1, 2020 at 11:42 am      Reply

    YAY STEWIE!!! Congratulations on Ampuversary #3. It IS the lucky number after all but I know that you are so much more than luck, you have a pawerful, beautiful energy that lights up the world and keeps you healthy and strong!!!

    That is a cake fit for a hero king, it’s so lovely I can practically taste it from here in smokey California!

    Wyatt Ray can relate to being a little slower, he’s just a few months older than you and he’s become a lot more chill too. Although when we push him around in his stroller, you wouldn’t know it ’cause he still has soooo much to say to the world!

    That’s a bummer about the Toaster, I hope it gets fixed. We have big plans to go to Canada next summer so as long as things go as planned, you can give us a ride OK?

    Miss you, your folks, the kitties (especially you Spikey!), and we love you lots, thank you for the wonderful pupdate and great news. We’re going to share it with the world!!!!

    • By: Super Stu! on October 1, 2020 at 10:13 pm      Reply

      Hello to my Tripawdian Hero’s!

      It’s always lovely to see you! And on this note, may i thank Jim (and you 😉 for the time spent in getting me up and running on Stewie’s blog again. Stewie kept on giving those glares that said “Mum, isn’t it time to post again, everypawdy will wonder where i’ve Hopped off too!”, we were well overdue for Super Stu’s pupdate!

      Three years and almost three months on Three Paws has proven to be a mixture of GOOD LUCK, because we were able to have Dr Bill and Dr Laurie around still when Stewie needed them the most. GOOD WILL, because we could never have been able to cover Stewie’s vet bills all at once, without the assistance of P.A.L.S. (Protecting Animal Life Society), GOOD HEALTH, because we were blessed with such a strong willed and super healthy boy and GOOD LOVIN’ because LOVE helps the whole world go round and Stewie has a ton of Ruv to share, as do we for him!

      Hey, you just gave me a great idea…. why not make SMOKED PUPCAKES!!! Mmmmmm 😋 Smokey chicken 🍗 Smokey fish 🐠 Smokey beef 🐮 Mmmmm 😋 we’ll take more of your smoke up here if it helps to cut down on what you have to deal with there!!!

      I had to laugh ‘cause i read your comment to Paul (the rest of the furmily were listening too 😉 and he felt really bad for Wyatt, riding around in a stroller, but he just doesn’t realize how much fun can be had riding around in a stroller all day! Right Wyatt! It’s no wonder you have a lot to say to the world, i mean you are the Tripawds Super SpokesDawg right!!! Maybe when you visit us up in the Great North 🇨🇦, you can bring your stroller and show Paul just how much of a good time you really have!

      Thank you a million times over you guys for giving us all this opportunity to share our journeys with our Super Hero’s! Catssss and Dawgs around the world live a long and Hoppier Life because they show us Hoomans that they are more than capable and willing to live a long and Hoppy Life on 3! So long as we can keep on giving our best shot at kicking all 💩 Cancers butt, we have the chance to SURVIVE!!!

      Please know that we are thinking of you. Keep well, stay strong and surround yourselves with those you love!

      Stewie’s kittens appreciate the love you send, especially Spikey, he remembers you all well! They are sending nose kisses and sloppy kisses to you all!

  4. By: benny55 on October 1, 2020 at 8:32 am      Reply

    THEWIE!!! THEWIE!! THUPER THEWIE!!!! I have happy tears reading your pupdate and hearing how you are thriving!! And Spikey, Chester, Lilly and Ted all being who they are! Just grinning ear to ear over here!!

    You need to bite me on my ankle too! Both of them, hard! Ya’ see, awhile back I actually made a behind the scenes “inquiry” about you. It had been sometime since we had heard from you and I was getting a little concerned (needlessly obviously)! Anyway, .lo and behold you wrote me the most fantastic Thewie type letter letting me know all was well with uou and crew! It was informative and fun as are all your posts. And I mist realized I never wrote back!!! And on top of that, I apparently missed your last blog!! And I never, ever want to miss anything about Thewie! EVER!!!

    HAPPY THREE YEAR AMPUVERSARY THEWIE! That really is amazing! Then again, you are SUPER THEWIE! Your cupcake is STUpendous!!

    Bummer about your Burban and Toasty too. You’ll make friends with YOUR truck. It just takes time, okay? FWIW, you look really good in it!

    That picture of you with all uour Hedgies thru the years…PRICELESS!!! ADORAVLE!! You are sich a loved boy Thewie…but you already know that!

    So glad iss Holly and the Admin Guy got you back up and running on jere. They sure are smart about computers, and tavlets too!

    I’m going to come back and listen to the beautiful music your hoomans made this evening after work. Those two have such a divine gift.

    Thewie, thank you so much for getting your hooman tompost this for you! You are such an inspawration and symbol of hope for what’s possible…especially for bigger pups!! I have no doubt that love and care and spoiling help to ,ale you the MIRACLE SUPERTHAR that you are!!!

    We love you dearly Thewie….we REALLY do!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

    Love you sweet boy!
    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    • By: Super Stu! on October 1, 2020 at 9:28 pm      Reply

      Hallo Thally, my dear Thally! How bloody lovely to thee you!!! 😁 I won’t lie, I wath hoping to thee you, i’m altho grinning from ear to ear Thally! 😀
      Inthted of biting each other’s ankles, lets just give give each other lot’th of thloppy kitheth kay! 👅 I am truly grateful for your behind the scenes detective work 😉 It really wath lovely to be able to reach out to you and thay hi, we think of you often ❤️
      Like Mum thaid, Life get’th in the way thome timeth, but i have a long tail to tell about kicking 💩 Osteosarcoma’th butt and give everypawdy a chance at living the Hoppy life of a Tripawd!
      Thank for the booth’t of confidenth for Dad’th new truck, I will let you know when i take Ownerthip!! And BTW i had to reeeeally think about what FWIW meant?! Thith old brain wathn’t thure if it wath a Mith Thally Typo!! 😂 I thure have mithed your Typo’th Mith Thally, they are ADORAVLE!!! 😆 😘
      I could thend you one of my Twin/Travelling Hedgie’th too Mith Thally!!! 🦔 🧳 😁 Maybe Merry Myrtle and Freakin’ Handthome Frankie would Ruv to thtart a Hedgie furmily!!!
      Mum and Dad want to thank you for your lovely comment on their moothic! (Hehe, thith make’th me think of a milkthake 🐮🥛😂) They Ruv making people smile ❤️ 🎶
      Here’th to 💯 more trip’th around the thun 🌞, a gazillion more Hedgieth 🦔, twelve 💯 more pupcakthe 🧁 😋 and a ton of Love and Care to get me through the next 💯 Yearth!!!
      We Ruv you too Mith Thally, we Really, Really do 💞 Lot’th of cuddle’th to Merry Myrtle and Freakin’ Handthome Frankie and lot’th of thloppy kitheth to you too!
      Ruv you!
      ❤️ 👅 ❤️

  5. By: dobemom on October 1, 2020 at 8:27 am      Reply

    Great to hear from you Stewie! When our group of Tripawd friends got together for our annual vacation this year, we mentioned that we hadn’t heard from you in awhile. Yep, old age is no joke….sadly, that was Nitro’s downfall. Love all your pics, you are still such a handsome devil! My little terror Tucker would be so envious of all your hedgies! He wouldn’t know which one to grab first. Here’s to another trip around the sun – enjoy!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

    • By: Super Stu! on October 1, 2020 at 8:16 pm      Reply

      Hello Paula & Tucker
      You know, i often think of Nitro when i look at Stewie and I tell him that he is on his way to getting his Warrior papers too. Nitro set the standard and that bar is pretty high, but Stewie has proven he is up for the challenge! 🏆 I so appreciate the opportunity to be able to grow old with our dear boy, he is a true gift! 💝
      Please let Tucker know that Stewie would love to share his Hedgies! One of the Twin Hedgies, could become a Traveling Hedgie!! 🦔 🧳 😁
      “Here’s to another trip around the sun”… I love this, I’m going to use this phrase myself, i hope you don’t mind!
      I am hoping to be able to update Stewie’s blog a little more often this winter. I love that i can share our boys’ magnificent journey and i think it’s important to keep the message fresh that big old dawgs really can thrive on 3! Right Nitro!!!
      Thank you Paula, please give Tucker a hug from across the miles and Stewie sends a sloppy kiss your way 👅

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