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Super Stu’s 1 Year Ampuversary!!

Posted by: | July 17, 2018 | 18 Comments |

I told Stewie that I wanted to write his blog this month ‘cause it is a really special one! If Stewie had been writing his blog though, it would have been out a week ago, but seen as how it is ‘Mother’ writing it this month, i am a bit behind…

We are all celebrating Stewie’s 1st year Ampuversary and we feel truly blessed!!!

It was one year ago that we were still adjusting our brains to the prospect of putting Stewie through a massive surgery and wondering if we were all up to the task!?! Well, Stewie showed us all just how ready we were!!! He proved to be a true Champion as all Tripawds are, he pulled us through his recovery with all of the ups and downs that can be expected and within weeks proved that a Tripawd can thrive on 3!!

For the past year, we have prayed for his monthly Ampuversary to come around… now we are at his 1st year Milestone, i am praying for his 2nd & 3rd & 4th… 😉 I don’t want to sound greedy, but that is my wish!

Due to the fact that the Allen Clan has been in a bit of an uproar lately, we didn’t get to Pawty on Stewies’ actual day, but i am going to put all the pictures together in another blog so that you can see what an incredible month he has had so far… okay, so it may take a few daze!😅

For now i am going to leave you with this video showing Stewies’ incredible year up to now… I am still amazed at how far he has come and he continues to kick this 💩 disease in the Arse!! 

Much Ruvin from Super Stu and his adoring Furmily

Spitfire Spikey, Chester McFiend, Pretty Miss Lily and Talkative Ted


p.s. I want to add that I love that Sassy and Frankie join Stewie on his Tripawds calendar this month! 😉

p.p.s. Did you guys checkout the song?

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!


  1. By: jerry on July 19, 2018 at 9:43 pm      Reply

    Get OUT! It has NOT been an entire year already! WOW!

    Super duper big congrats to Super Stu and the pack too. You guys have been through many ups and downs and it’s good to know there are more ups these days. You give hope, inspawration and joy to untold numbers of fans and followers my friends. Thank you for allowing us to come along for the ride!

    We look forward to more photos and also when we get some free wifi we will check out the video, because we bet it’s unforgettable!

    Doing the hoppy dance over here and sending lots of love to all of you. xoxoxoxo

    • By: Super Stu! on July 27, 2018 at 10:01 am      Reply

      Rene, Jim and Wyatt Dawg,
      Thank you for joining in on Stewie’s celebrations!
      “ You give hope, inspawration and joy to untold numbers of fans and followers my friends. Thank you for allowing us to come along for the ride!”
      You guys gave us the Inspawrarion! You set the precedent for us all to follow. If not for the Tripawds community, it’s possible we never would have put our BIG boy through surgery!
      So many thanks to you all and that includes your beautiful Spirit Boy Jerry! I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet him in person, but you created a Legacy through him and we all feel him on site!
      Stewie is Ruvin’ his month long celebrations and can’t wait to tell you all about it!
      I hope to see you all soon and we can throw in yet another celebration!
      I’m sorry for the late reply, but please know that I very much appreciate your support!
      Safe travels my friends enjoy what We British Columbian’s refer to our Province as “God’s Country”!
      Much love to you all
      Petra, Paul, Super Stu, Spitfire Spikey, Chester McFiend, Prissy Miss Lily and Tedwardo

  2. By: ellober2 on July 17, 2018 at 6:27 pm      Reply

    Congrats! What an inspiration!

    • By: Super Stu! on July 17, 2018 at 7:20 pm      Reply

      Thank you! Stewie is definitely one of many Tripawds to be inspired by! They can truly bring out the best in us!
      Thanks for taking the time to join the celebration!

  3. By: dobemom on July 17, 2018 at 6:01 pm      Reply

    Happy 1 year amupversary Stewie!! So happy you’ve reached this most important milestone – and hope you reach many, many more! I can’t believe its been a year already…bittersweet for me though, because a year ago we were preparing to say goodbye to our Warrior, Nitro. I think all our Angels at the Bridge are pawtying hard, as they watch over you and keep you safe. Hugs to you, beautiful boy!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

    • By: Super Stu! on July 17, 2018 at 7:17 pm      Reply

      Hi Paula

      A Milestone in line with many more! We were truly gifted the day that Stewie came into our lives, as you know the crap disease teaches us many lessons, but the most important one being Love!

      Stewie so wants to follow in the pawsteps of your Warrior Nitro! Your right I think about all of our beautiful Angels, they are doing an amazing job of helping keep my boy safe, I thank them from the bottom of my heart for that! I’m sorry that you finally had to say goodbye to your boy, we are never given long enough with them are we?! A year is nothing in the cycle of your grief and your is a hard memory to bare!
      All the very best to you Paula and very special kisses to your Great Warrior!

  4. By: linda8115 on July 17, 2018 at 6:00 pm      Reply

    Amazing video! Gave me many smiles and happy tears! Happy one year Stewie! You are amazing! So gorgeous and such a sweet personality to go with it.. I think I’m in love! Here’s to many more years to get those hugs and loving that you so deserve. Loved the song too! You guys have such talent! Keep on keeping on sweet Stewie! Sending love and hugs for your special day!
    Linda & Spirit Mighty Max

    • By: Super Stu! on July 17, 2018 at 7:04 pm      Reply

      Hi Linda! I’m glad you liked the movie! Stewie is definitely looking forward to many more hugs and tons of Lovin’!
      And thank you so much for your compliments on AllenSong! Both Paul and I appreciate that very much!
      All the very best to you and special kisses to Spirit Might Max!

  5. By: Jan on July 17, 2018 at 4:09 pm      Reply

    Woo hoo! So happy for TT Super Stu and family! He is still a gorgeous dog. Hoping for 2-3-4 years more ampuvesaries!

    TT Angel Bailey and Mom

    • By: Super Stu! on July 17, 2018 at 4:22 pm      Reply

      Jan, lovely to see you as always! Thanks for joining in on Stewies celebrations, they are ongoing this month and I sure can’t wait for his cake Pawty! Stewie appreciates you staying in touch!
      TT Bailey will furever be Stewie’s TT Pal!
      Spirit kisses to your girl at the 🌈 Bridge and hugs to you!

  6. By: Saxton on July 17, 2018 at 3:52 pm      Reply

    Super Stu, That is fantastic🎉 you are truly blessed with the greatest Paw parents.
    And wowzer on the Hedgies those should last a while right😉
    Pawsitive thoughts coming your way and congratulations on one year kicking Butt!

    • By: Super Stu! on July 17, 2018 at 4:15 pm      Reply

      Mr Mark!!!
      How wonderful to see you! Stewie says Than you! His Pawrents Thank you too!
      Many, many Hedgies, for many years to come! 😉
      Massive cuddles to Whispering Purrrrkins and your Very Sexy SaxTon!
      We are truly blessed Mark, we are hopping on to Many More Celebrations! Especially with Mr Purrrrkins celebrating his 2nd Year Ampuversary soon! He knows how to kick this 💩 diseases butt for sure!!

  7. By: dawn3g on July 17, 2018 at 3:00 pm      Reply

    SUPER STU!!! This makes me so hoppy to see!!

    We’ve been reading your blog and enjoying your awesome pictures since we started here, Fallon has a bit of a crush on Stewie and his thick coat and winning smile.

    KEEP KICKING CANCER’S BUTT, STEWIE!!! Nothing makes us happier than to see a Tripawd do so AWESOME!!

    • By: Super Stu! on July 17, 2018 at 3:25 pm      Reply

      Oh Fallon! Stewie just started to blush! Such a beautiful girl too! Thank you for keeping up with Stewie and his adventures, he Ruvs his admirers!
      His thick coat is not doing him any favours in this heat! It’s a bit much for us all I think!!
      💩 Cancers Butt is being kicked as we speak!!!
      All the very best and we shall see you in his coming months…

  8. By: Purrkins on July 17, 2018 at 2:04 pm      Reply

    There is NEVER behind on ampuversary celebrations Petra! Never nope we celebrate all month long this month and each month and year after this that is the plan!


    WHOOOO HOOOOO Stewie HAPPY HOPPY Ampuversay buddy a year of kicking the 💩 ARSE !!! WOVE WOVE WOVE YOU STEWIE the video is priceless award-winning🏆 a bit emotional too I might add !

    Here is to more ampuversary pawties and kicking💩 arse👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎗🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🦔🎗👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 🥂☕️hehe 😉
    Lots and Lots of Rov & belly rubs for Stewie please! Love and scratches to the furmily. Extra kiss to Spikey too!

    Love to you all! Whispering Purrkins, Sexy Saxton, Miss Holly and Mr. Mark;)

    • By: Super Stu! on July 17, 2018 at 2:14 pm      Reply

      Miss Holly
      Thank you for your kind words, always!
      16+ Hedgies and more coming!!! 😉 He’s a fiend for Hedgies, always has been!!
      The video is emotional for me to watch too, it was difficult to keep it to 5 minutes! I could have added a gazillion more pictures! You guys would be bored to tears! Ha!
      Here’s to a gazillion more Ampuversary’s and a gazillion more hugs & belly rubs to our Super Duper Stu!
      Special kisses have been given to Spitfire Spikey and love all around, thank you!
      Hugs and love coming back to you and my little big fellas

  9. By: Michelle on July 17, 2018 at 1:52 pm      Reply

    Whoo hooo Stewie. Way to kick butt. We are so proud of you. I sure hope you got a lot more hedgies and treats 🙂 Shh don’t tell mom and dad though that we are wishing you to have more treats as we know they want to keep you lean as can be.

    I still say though celebrate with Ice cream, cake, steaks …. hmmm maybe some wine for mom and dad.

    We love you Stewie. Loved the video. I will have to watch it again when i can watch all at one time instead in between work 🙂

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • By: Super Stu! on July 17, 2018 at 2:01 pm      Reply

      We are doing the Hoppy dance around here for sure Michelle! He is getting extra ‘little’ treats all month long! I finally got the call that his Ampuversary cake is in, so there are more special pictures coming…

      He is getting a Bully stick once a week! He really Ruvs that! And the Little Cesar treat are a tasty appetizer! The wine will have to wait for the time being… 🙂

      I say hi to Sassy & Frankie on my way into my kitchen all day long 🙂 Such Pawsome Pups!

      All the best Michelle to you and your gang!

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