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Super Stu’s 14 Month Ampuversary!

Posted by: | September 16, 2018 | 10 Comments |

Hi guys,

As i sit here typing Stu’s blog, i can’t help but be amazed at the fact that it has been 14 months and 6 days since I started out on this journey worrying if a major amputation for Stewie was even fair to him! It was all of YOU that helped Paul and I realize that 14 months was even Pawssible…!!! 14 months of support and friendship and the reminder to us all to Be More In the Moment!! None of us know how long we have, but we know that we are being gifted with our time with our boy, with all our wishes out to the Universe to give us many more years to come! 

And now because my days are shorter with my furkids, I need to Be More With them in our Moments together! It has been a major adjustment for us all, as we have all gotten used to the fact that Mum is back at work and Dad gets to look after the needs of the Furkids all day… 😅 

And i have to say that Dad has been doing an incredible job of tending to their needs and ensuring that i don’t have to worry about them at all!! 

The Catssss have totally got Dad figured out!!! Chester is more of a Pester, Miss Lily is far more Prissy and I swear Ted has gotten Pigger!!! 

Spikey is looking like a true Spitfire… he gets a brushing from Dad everyday and he Ruvs it!!! Our old man is definitely beginning to show is old age 🙁  He is being managed for his pain in his old bones and is on a permanent antibiotic due to his bad teeth, but he still knows how to come up and pat Mum on the cheek for his midnight snacks!

Stewie Ruvs the fact that he and Dad are in charge and S’Mother is not around to say “No” to the extra treats and “watching us with her eagle eyes…”  Hehehe! I have to laugh because Stewie has got Dad wrapped around his massive paws 🐾! He barks at Paul when he wants/demands his treats and also when he is late for his meals!!

But the best part of all of our day i think, is when i am coming down the driveway after work and there’s my boy Stewie hopping out to greet me! His tail is going like a helicopter and he has a grin from ear to fluffy ear! No matter what kind of day I’ve had, that grin ALWAYS makes me feel great!!

Now that i have rambled on, Stewie wants to say hello….

Hi Guys! 

I can’t believe Mum stole my seat at my blog page again!!! Jeez! You know if it were up to me to write this blog, I wouldn’t be late!!

Im feeling Pawsome you guys! I am getting tons of extra Ruvin these daze, especially when Mum comes home, i get Rots and Rots of Hugs and Smooches!!! She asks me how my day was and i tell her I Protected Dad and my Kittens super good and makin’ sure those Bears and Deers don’t scare my furmily and … well let’s just say nothin’ comes near the house that i don’t tell Dad about!!

We had a visit from a few of Dad’s mates this past month too… they showed up on the two wheeled contraptions.  They were amazed at how well I hopped around on 3!

Auntie Anne came down to visit us and I get so much ruvin’ from her and she is super good at giving me treats!

My Mum went searching for another Hedgie for me, but they have all left for the summer I think!! Or maybe the very Smokey daze just drove them away for a little while? I’d like to think that they will be back for my 15 Month Ampuversary! In the meantime, she found me a tiny sleeping teddy, but I’m not allowed to call him ‘Teddy’ cause she doesn’t want me to be confused about which one I should “go get.” So I just call him my Sleepy Squeaker! He is trying to hide under my paw ‘cause he’s kinda shy…;)

But that brings me to my Biggest SurPrize… i got a Monster Hedgie for my 14th month Ampuversary!!! He hid himself in this big box and when Mum opened it a Monster Hedgie was sticking his nose out at me!!!

He honks and squeaks and he even rattles!!! He is one Cool Monster Hedgie! Many special thanks to my very special Fan Club!! 

I Ruv my Hedgies and all the squeaking I can make them do! I still Ruv to play hide and seek and Monster Hedgie is a lot easier to find!

I am going to have to build another house for all of my Hedgies, but my Monster Hedgie needs a king size bed for sure!!

So until next time my TriPawdian Mates, i am hopping to get my Pupperoni with my Magic drops! I’m such a lucky fella!

Smooches to each and every one of you! My Pawty continues…

Rots Of Ruv from Super Duper Stu and his Feline Pride


Thanks for the Ampuversary wishes Aunt Holly, Whispering Purrrkins, Smart Sexy Saxton and Mr Mark!! ♥️😽😽♥️ 

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!


  1. By: benny55 on September 17, 2018 at 5:05 pm      Reply

    THEWIE!!!! THEWIE!!! T H E W I E!!!


    And your picthurth, OMD! Tho cute!!! I rub the one where it lookth like you are giving the camera the third eye think eye!

    And I’m very jealouth of all the hoomanth who got to thuggle on you and thelebrate with you!!!

    I know you and your Dad mithbehave when uour Mom ith at work. Boyth will be boyth! But I know she apprecthiath that you help protect the homethead.

    Thank you tho mucth for letting uth pawty with you! I hope you know how much we all adore you and your hoomanth. You truly are a true inthpiration around here! We are tho privileged to be on thith journey with you!

    Loth and loth of ruv and kitheth❤❤😚😚

    • By: Super Stu! on September 17, 2018 at 9:28 pm      Reply

      Mith Thally!! How wonderful to thee you!!

      Hehehe! My third eye! It kinda duth look like a third eye duthent it?! Hehe! Maybe I can be a Tripawd Alien for Halloween thith year. not like the thilly Kitty mathk that Mum put on me latht year!

      We adore you too Mith Thally! You are welcome to my Pawty anytime!!!
      Pleathe give Handthome Freakin’ Frankie and Blind Nurth Myrtle a huge hug and smooch from me and a big one for you too Mith Thally!
      Thpirit kitheth to Happy Angel Hannah!

  2. By: jerry on September 17, 2018 at 2:19 pm      Reply

    Awwwww Stewie and family, we are sooooo hoppy for you! Can you hear Wyatt Ray barking out a salute from all the way in Wyoming? Yep, that’s him alright!

    So glad to hear things are good and the biggest Hedgie of them all found his way to you. What good times you and the Hedgie Squad will have.

    Every time you give us a pupdate, you amaze us Stewie. If anyone ever has a doubt that big dawgs can do great on three legs, Wyatt Ray will get them by the scruff and bring them over to your blog directly, guaranteed.


    • By: Super Stu! on September 17, 2018 at 9:09 pm      Reply

      Hi Rene, Jim and Wyatt-Ray-Has-a-Lot-To-Say!

      I sure can hear you Wyatt Dawg! You are going to have to yell a bit louder next month as you go further away from us! I sure hope you are feeling a whole bunch better these daze!!

      Hehe! My Hedgie Squad! I Ruv that! I will have them standing at attention when you come back to visit Wyatt Dawg!!

      I would love for people to read my blogs and realize that big dawgs can do Pawsome on three! If that “💩” disease gives us time, we can do almost everything that we did on four paws, just a little slower sometimes, that’s all! We get to take lots of breaks and we don’t mind being a bit lazier in our older age!

      Me and the Kitties are sending much Love back to you and will look forward to seeing you again next month. Very special Spirit kisses to your Angel, Jerry!!
      Safe travels you guys!

  3. By: Purrkins on September 17, 2018 at 7:59 am      Reply

    Happy/Hoppy 14 months Ampuversary SUPER STEW!

    You look Marvelous Stewie WHOO HOO! No denying how happy you are in these photos you are wearing a big grin! Was Mum calling you to get your picture on the first picture? Bit of stink eye or roll of the eyes too cute!

    You adore Miss Anne so apparent great pic!

    OMC the cats are too funny with Dad they have him figured out!

    Spitfire Spikey is no youngster, and I think he does damn good for 20=96 Yea I would say we would all need some pain meds for old bones at 96 & we would all be showing our age! Extra smooch to Spikey from us for being such an inspawration.

    Both S STEWIE and Spikey SUPER extraordinary, Survivors!

    Stewie is keeping Paul on his toes;) HEHE I bet Stewie sees the kitties get food when they meow? Pawsible;) Sorry Paul getting a giggle at your expense;)

    Your super size hedgie looks purrfect for you & your Super Sized Stewie paws! Wuv you both!

    Here is to years of being more in the moment and GIFTED !!

    Smooches & Ruv to you Stewie and scratches & Ruv to the kitties!

    Love to Mum and Dad too K!
    Miss Holly, Mr. Mark, Too Smart Sexy Saxton, & Whispering Mr. Purrkins

    • By: Super Stu! on September 17, 2018 at 8:47 pm      Reply

      Hi Miss Holly
      Hehehe! That really is a bit of a stink eye isn’t it?! A loomthat says “buggar off Mum, I’m not in the mood for more pictures!!

      I am going to give Spikey some very special smooches from you! He sure is an inspawration to us all. He so deserves all of the extra attentions doesn’t he!
      YeSSSSSS!! Super Stewie & Spitfire Spikey certainly are Super Stars!!!
      Stewie definitely doesn’t let Dad for get him in a day, not that that is Pawssible!!
      Rots Of Ruv to you all and many, many thanks for always remembering to send me my virtual Hedgies, they make Mum smile!
      See you next month!

  4. By: dobemom on September 16, 2018 at 6:37 pm      Reply

    Hoppy ampuversary Stewie!!! Keep rockin’ it on 3!

    Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro

    • By: Super Stu! on September 16, 2018 at 6:41 pm      Reply

      Thank you Paula!
      Life on 3 is Pawsome!! So much Ruv and attention!
      Always lovely to see you!

      Sending a special kiss to your Warrior Angel Nitro. I am trying my best to follow in his footsteps!!

  5. By: Michelle on September 16, 2018 at 6:24 pm      Reply

    Hoppy Ampuversary. I am very very happy you are doing so well.
    The Hedgies will be back I am sure Stewie. That big one is awesome. and your sleepy teddy is cute. Keep kicking butt Stewie.

    Michelle & Angel Sassy

    • By: Super Stu! on September 16, 2018 at 6:38 pm      Reply

      Thanks Michelle! I am kicking 💩 ‘s arse to the moon! I look forward to seeing you again next month!

      Much Ruv to you and your Furmily and spirit kisses to Angel Sassy

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