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Archive for Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!

Hi to all of my TriPawdian Friends!

I am soooo furrrry grateful to be writing my blog this month!!!

The month started out pretty much as normal, i was feeling really good and just being my hoppy self! Mum and Dad set up our Christmas tree! I Ruv my Christmas’ with my furmily!!! Chessie loves our tree too!

Then i got my funky neck thing happening again… Mum figured it might be because of the cold weather, so i got put back on my Gabapentin and Meloxicam and the boring bedrest place! Just when I seemed to be getting better, I would yelp out in pain again so Mum would try adding a T3 at night and hope that i would get better! But i wasn’t getting any better, in fact the day before my 17 Month Ampuversary, i didn’t want to move at all! I wasn’t interested in eating or drinking or even getting up to go out and pee! I couldn’t even get up and greet Mum at the door when she came home from work that day!!

They took me to see our new Dr Amber for an evaluation and she was so very kind and she gave me lots and lots of treats and kitty food as a distraction, while she poked and prodded! The only thing i got growly about was when she sprayed that cold alcohol stuff on my newly shaved leg! I mean who does that!!! We ran my bloodwork and most of my numbers came back looking really good, but my creatinine is starting to crawl up. So the Meloxicam must be kept at a minimum, as that medication does mess with the Kidneys. Dr Amber said that i was being very brave and strong ‘cause i didn’t let out one yelp!! She couldn’t find any sore spot on me!!! I’m too proud to show this stranger that I hurt!  I barely show Mum and Dad that I hurt, but Mum knows me better than that!

So right now I am buzzing happily along, I have been feeling pretty okay these past few days and Mum and Dad are super hopeful that I just out of alignment and may need to go to see Miss Leslie for my Ortho-Bionomy treatment.

I gave Mum and Dad a big scare and Mum thought that we were all going to have to say goodbye to each other!!!! She even gave me my Christmas Hedgie to me early!!!

But not me, I wasn’t ready to go!!! I was waiting for my Hedgie PupCake!

And boy oh boy did I enjoy gobbling that delicious treat down! I shared my cake with my Hedgie’s but i told Teddy “No Way! You’re on a very strict diet Bro!!”

I told Mum that I am feeling pretty darn good right now, (a little doped up maybe) but I will let her know if I am not comfortable. She knows the signs! So now although I am slow and don’t venture too far, i still get to celebrate Christmas with my Furmily!

My TriPawds Calendar arrived and Mum sowed me my photo! I look pretty handsome don’t I! And i get to share the page with my friends Freakin’ Handsome Frankie, Merry Nurse Myrtle and Spirit Happy Hannah!! Too cool!

I’m truly grateful to be able to wish all of my TriPawdian friends a Very Hoppy Christmas and wishing you all good health and happiness in the new year!

Rots of Ruv from Super Stewie and his very special Kittens, Spitfire Spikey, Chester McFluff, Pretty Miss Lily and Tedwardo!

Mum wanted to share a Hedgie giggle…

And thanks again to Miss Holly for my virtual Hedgie celebrations!


under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!

Well Howdy Folks Super Stu here again!!!

I am Hopping Happily on my 16 Month Ampuversary and my Mum tells me I’m doing GREAT!! I know I’m doing GREAT, I’m feeling Fantastic!!

I have had such an exciting month, so let me tell you all about it…

I got to go on a road trip this month with my Mum and Dad and my Aunty Anne! I Ruv my road trips! I get soooo much attention from lots of different people, especially the kids… they always ask what happened to my leg and I am always Hoppy to tell them that i am a Cancer Survivor!!! The adults sometimes feel sorry for me, but then they see me Hoppily Hopping along, with a big grin on my face and they always change their attitude!

And i got that Raskety Rat 🐀!! Mum, Dad and I went down to our woodpile one day and decided that we were going to evict that Rat from our woodpile… so while Mum and Dad moved all the logs, i stayed on the one side ‘cause i knew he was going to try and escape (only to come back later…) and when they got down to the last of the logs, the Rat tried making a run for it, but i was there to catch him and i got him you guys!!! I was as quick as lightning and that Rat didn’t have time to say Eeeek!!! 

Mum and Aunty Anne went on a road trip without me this month as well and at first i was upset that they didn’t take me, but me and Dad had a great day together. And then when Mum came home i smelt new Hedgies… Yup, you read it correctly, not just one Hedgie but a whole Herd of Hedgies!! She said that i wasn’t allowed to meet them all at once, ‘cause they are special and can only come out one at a time on special occasions. She said that she had to bring the whole Herd home ‘cause Nakusp doesn’t keep many Hedgies around and Mum doesn’t want me to miss out on meeting my new Hedgie friends at Christmas time!!

But i got to meet my November Hedgie! He has a really cute squeak and i can toss him around really good, me and Dad have fun with him! I Ruv my Hedgies!

And talk about having fun… My Mum dressed me up for Halloween again this year and i was the best bottle of Ketchup that anyone has ever seen! Mum’s Great Niece said that she would love to gobble me up ‘cause she Ruvs  Ketchup!!

Then Mum borrowed my costume for work and had tons of fun, but she said that I looked better as Ketchup than she did!!

Mum and Dad got to do a really cool thing for our Animal Protection Society (P.A.L.S.) this month. AllenSong put on a fundraising benefit for them and had lots of people come out to hear them sing! EveryPawdy had a great time singing along and laughing and crying, it was a great show! They raised lots of money for the animals to ensure that they could all be healthy and strong for their new Furever homes!

My brothers and sister got a really cool treat as well this past month. They got a new Kitty Play Station! Chester McFluff and Tedwardo use it the most, but Miss Picky Lily doesn’t use it much ‘cause she has her favourite comfy chair that she likes to hang out on, although she had to try it just so she could say she did! Old Man Spikey doesn’t use it at all, his old bones won’t let him jump that high anymore.

Then Mum surprised me with another Hedgie PupCake you guys! Oh my gongases it tastes so good! I can’t wait till next month to get another one!!!

“Num… Yum… Munch… Gobble…

“Hedgie ate my PupCake!”

Here’s a couple of videos for you all to enjoy, I know I did!

Stewie’s 16 Month Ampuversary Hedgie!

Stewie’s 16 Month Ampuversary Hedgie PupCake!

So that’s my exciting month in nut shell, i will be back next month to fill you in on more of my adventures!

Much Ruv from Super Duper Stu, Spitfire Spikey, ChesterField, Prissy Miss Lily and Pigger Ted.


p.s. because Mum actually got my blog finished on time this month (sheesh!) so I didn’t get to add my Virtual Hedgies from Purrrkins and Miss Holly… thanks very much you guys!!! I Ruv them! 🥰🥰

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!

Hi guys! It’s Stu Butt here again!!

I have been hopping happily along for 15 months now and I know I’m still doing great!! 

Life has been pretty quiet this last month. Things are cooling down around Caribou Point and we are getting ready for an early winter… The critters have all moved on and Dad has got our woodpile ready. We even had to light a fire last week ‘cause it got that cold!

Unfortunately we have a big Pack Rat 🐀 in our woodpile and I have been trying to catch him, but I can’t squeeze into the holes like he can! Mum and Dad have this big cage thing set out at night, but he’s too smart and won’t go in, they want him gone! I hop around the pile trying to bully him out,but he won’t and so I keep waiting for him, I’ll get him if given the chance, I’m a good rat 🐀 catcher!!

Mum has been busy running back and forth to work, but she makes sure to give me and Spikey our treats and magic drops every day and I feel GREAT!

I also got to go on a road trip this past month… it’s been a while ‘cause Mum hasn’t had much time off. I got to hop around town and have lots of people smile at me and tell me what a big happy pup I am! Sometimes they don’t even notice that I am only hopping on three and I tell them it’s ‘cause I’m a Professional Hopper now!!

We Canadians celebrated our Thanksgiving on October 8th. I think it’s funny that it is originally an Amurican tradition, but us Canadians liked the idea so much we had to have it before the Amuricans did!! So  I want to wish all of you a Hoppy Canadian Thanksgiving! I got to celebrate with lots and lots of turkey 🦃 and left overs are the best!

This is Chester and i waiting for our turkey leftovers…


And this is me eating my turkey leftovers…

For my 15 Month Ampuversary Mum got me a Bully Stick and a new squeaky toy. It’s not a Hedgie, that’s for sure and I’m not sure that it’s a lamb either, but I Ruv his squeak!

Plus I got a Banana PupCupcake! It was soooo Yummy!!

and this is me eating my Banana PupCake…

Plus my best Kitten friends sent me a couple of really cool virtual Hedgies!  Thank you my Kitten friends!!!

So here is to celebrating 15 months on three and ruvin’ life as a Tripawd!!! See you all next month!!!

Rots and Rots of Ruv from Super Stewie, Spitfire Spikey, Chester McFluff, Pretty Miss Lily and Always Hungry Ted and of course Mum and Dad


under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!, Top 100 Tripawd List of Luxuries!

Hi guys,

As i sit here typing Stu’s blog, i can’t help but be amazed at the fact that it has been 14 months and 6 days since I started out on this journey worrying if a major amputation for Stewie was even fair to him! It was all of YOU that helped Paul and I realize that 14 months was even Pawssible…!!! 14 months of support and friendship and the reminder to us all to Be More In the Moment!! None of us know how long we have, but we know that we are being gifted with our time with our boy, with all our wishes out to the Universe to give us many more years to come! 

And now because my days are shorter with my furkids, I need to Be More With them in our Moments together! It has been a major adjustment for us all, as we have all gotten used to the fact that Mum is back at work and Dad gets to look after the needs of the Furkids all day… 😅 

And i have to say that Dad has been doing an incredible job of tending to their needs and ensuring that i don’t have to worry about them at all!! 

The Catssss have totally got Dad figured out!!! Chester is more of a Pester, Miss Lily is far more Prissy and I swear Ted has gotten Pigger!!! 

Spikey is looking like a true Spitfire… he gets a brushing from Dad everyday and he Ruvs it!!! Our old man is definitely beginning to show is old age 🙁  He is being managed for his pain in his old bones and is on a permanent antibiotic due to his bad teeth, but he still knows how to come up and pat Mum on the cheek for his midnight snacks!

Stewie Ruvs the fact that he and Dad are in charge and S’Mother is not around to say “No” to the extra treats and “watching us with her eagle eyes…”  Hehehe! I have to laugh because Stewie has got Dad wrapped around his massive paws 🐾! He barks at Paul when he wants/demands his treats and also when he is late for his meals!!

But the best part of all of our day i think, is when i am coming down the driveway after work and there’s my boy Stewie hopping out to greet me! His tail is going like a helicopter and he has a grin from ear to fluffy ear! No matter what kind of day I’ve had, that grin ALWAYS makes me feel great!!

Now that i have rambled on, Stewie wants to say hello….

Hi Guys! 

I can’t believe Mum stole my seat at my blog page again!!! Jeez! You know if it were up to me to write this blog, I wouldn’t be late!!

Im feeling Pawsome you guys! I am getting tons of extra Ruvin these daze, especially when Mum comes home, i get Rots and Rots of Hugs and Smooches!!! She asks me how my day was and i tell her I Protected Dad and my Kittens super good and makin’ sure those Bears and Deers don’t scare my furmily and … well let’s just say nothin’ comes near the house that i don’t tell Dad about!!

We had a visit from a few of Dad’s mates this past month too… they showed up on the two wheeled contraptions.  They were amazed at how well I hopped around on 3!

Auntie Anne came down to visit us and I get so much ruvin’ from her and she is super good at giving me treats!

My Mum went searching for another Hedgie for me, but they have all left for the summer I think!! Or maybe the very Smokey daze just drove them away for a little while? I’d like to think that they will be back for my 15 Month Ampuversary! In the meantime, she found me a tiny sleeping teddy, but I’m not allowed to call him ‘Teddy’ cause she doesn’t want me to be confused about which one I should “go get.” So I just call him my Sleepy Squeaker! He is trying to hide under my paw ‘cause he’s kinda shy…;)

But that brings me to my Biggest SurPrize… i got a Monster Hedgie for my 14th month Ampuversary!!! He hid himself in this big box and when Mum opened it a Monster Hedgie was sticking his nose out at me!!!

He honks and squeaks and he even rattles!!! He is one Cool Monster Hedgie! Many special thanks to my very special Fan Club!! 

I Ruv my Hedgies and all the squeaking I can make them do! I still Ruv to play hide and seek and Monster Hedgie is a lot easier to find!

I am going to have to build another house for all of my Hedgies, but my Monster Hedgie needs a king size bed for sure!!

So until next time my TriPawdian Mates, i am hopping to get my Pupperoni with my Magic drops! I’m such a lucky fella!

Smooches to each and every one of you! My Pawty continues…

Rots Of Ruv from Super Duper Stu and his Feline Pride


Thanks for the Ampuversary wishes Aunt Holly, Whispering Purrrkins, Smart Sexy Saxton and Mr Mark!! ♥️😽😽♥️ 

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!

Hello to all my Tripawdian friends!!! 

It has been waaay too long since i paw’d my own blog!! Mum did a great job with my video last month but she knows how much I Ruv to paw my own, so here i am celebrating my 13 Month Ampuversary!!! Yup, you heard right my friends, 1 Year and 1 Month and I’m still hopping pawesomely along!!! 

It has been an pawesome month too! I got to spend some Ruvin’ Time with my Hooman Aunty and my Cousins! They came out to celebrate my 1st Year Ampuversary with me and they got to share my Hedgie cake! Well, i offered them some Hedgie cake, cut they said it was ALL FOR ME!! IT WAS THE MOST PAWESOME’EST CAKE EVAH!!!

My friends at DogSense are the best!! They put a very special effort into getting my cake ready for me, Mum was super surprised and really appreciated the extra special effort they made for me! I RUVED my Hedgie cake!!

My Cousins and Aunty haven’t seen me since I first had my surgery last summer and they were amazed at how well I am hopping around! I told them that I have had this Tripawd Hoppiness going on furever! I can’t even remember how I ran on 4 now!

This is our ride on the ferry over to the Ostrich farm…

Ostrich birds get to be HUGE! My Mum said that i couldn’t come out to greet them as they might kick me, so i stayed in the shade under a tree and got to smell all of the wonderful Ostrich smells!

They had baby Ostrich birds that at just a few days old were as big as Miss Lily!

These big birds are only a few months old!

This is a full grown female…

Me and Chester do wonder how good an Ostrich egg would taste!! Very Y’eggy I think!! 🤢

As always, many kisses to Mr Purrrkins for his virtual Hedgie celebrations for Stewie’s 13 Month Ampuversary!😘

I do Ruv this Ampuversary thing! Treats and more treats…. Such a lucky boy! I can’t wait for next years celebrations!!

Much Ruv to you all, see you next month…

Super Stu, Spitfire Spikey, Chester McField, Pretty Miss Lily and Always Talking Ted


under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!

I told Stewie that I wanted to write his blog this month ‘cause it is a really special one! If Stewie had been writing his blog though, it would have been out a week ago, but seen as how it is ‘Mother’ writing it this month, i am a bit behind…

We are all celebrating Stewie’s 1st year Ampuversary and we feel truly blessed!!!

It was one year ago that we were still adjusting our brains to the prospect of putting Stewie through a massive surgery and wondering if we were all up to the task!?! Well, Stewie showed us all just how ready we were!!! He proved to be a true Champion as all Tripawds are, he pulled us through his recovery with all of the ups and downs that can be expected and within weeks proved that a Tripawd can thrive on 3!!

For the past year, we have prayed for his monthly Ampuversary to come around… now we are at his 1st year Milestone, i am praying for his 2nd & 3rd & 4th… 😉 I don’t want to sound greedy, but that is my wish!

Due to the fact that the Allen Clan has been in a bit of an uproar lately, we didn’t get to Pawty on Stewies’ actual day, but i am going to put all the pictures together in another blog so that you can see what an incredible month he has had so far… okay, so it may take a few daze!😅

For now i am going to leave you with this video showing Stewies’ incredible year up to now… I am still amazed at how far he has come and he continues to kick this 💩 disease in the Arse!! 

Much Ruvin from Super Stu and his adoring Furmily

Spitfire Spikey, Chester McFiend, Pretty Miss Lily and Talkative Ted


p.s. I want to add that I love that Sassy and Frankie join Stewie on his Tripawds calendar this month! 😉

p.p.s. Did you guys checkout the song?

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!

Oh you guys! Here I am celebrating my 11 Month Ampuversary and what a month it has been!! 

My mum and Dad went and performed at Christina Lake at the beginning of the month, so of course I got to stay with my favourite person, but I was kinda wurried fur them, ‘cause there was lots of flooding going on down there… but they were okay, ‘cause they climbed high onto this Railway Trestle, but then Mum had to save Dad from falling off!!!

“Watch out Dad, you’re afraid of heights!”

My special spa daze have been cut back and I don’t mind ‘cuz Miss Leslie and Mum agreed that I didn’t need to come in as often. Only when I seem uncomfortable and that has been a non-issue this last month. I have been feeling like a Super Hoppy Stu Butt! Kind of like the Super Kitty Hero behind me!

We had a surprise visit from my Mum’s Sister (my Aunty) and her daughter (my cousin) and her daughter (my 2nd cousin), so we had 3 generations of my Mum’s furmily here, she was sooooooo hoppy!!! Especially cause my cousin had never been here before! My (2nd) cousin Rylee and I are the very best of friends!

And she let me join in her tea ☕ Pawty! I Ruv her!!!

And here a picture of my Fur Cousins, Senorita Charlie, Wonderful Winnie and Troublesome (but truly loveable!) Pup Miss Daisy…

My Mum & Dad met my new vet, Dr Amber this month! Sadly, ‘cause Spikey had a sore bottom, but with the initial introduction made with my Dr Laurie there, the second visit went really well! Mr Spikey really liked her! My Pawrents felt really good about her when they came home and told me what a nice lady she is and that she likes to give treats to win our hearts… I will reserve my judgment until I see what the quality of these said treats are!!!  In the meantime, I’ll just lay here in the shade…

And then guess what you guys…. we had a visit from our famous TriPawd Stars Wyatt Ray Dawg and Miss Rene and Mr Jim!!!! 🎊👏🎊

They arrived at a really cool campsite in our area after a super long drive up from your United States Of Amurica! 🇺🇸!!

But first a Pawsitively cool (and extremely embarrassing!🤗) coincidence happened that day in town… 

The cool thing that happened was that when my Pawrents took me down to the Marina, where I like to take a drink, these nice people came up to say hello to me and Ruvved that I was a TriPawd Pup ‘cause they had a TriPawd Kitty in their car with them!!! He had his own stroller and everything!!! Of course my Mum & Dad wanted to go and say hello!!!

So I got to meet Othello the TriPawd, Very Cool Kitty!!!

Now the embarrassing thing that happened was Mum shared with these very nice people that the Tripawd Stars were visiting and that they were going to meet with them at Tukaluk Campground that afternoon. They asked me if I thought that our Tripawd Super Stars would mind them dropping by and I said “of course they won’t mind..!!!” Uuuuugh! You guys Wyatt Ray-Has-a-Lot-to-Say Dawg had a MAJOR problem with them dropping by!!! Mum is still apawlagizing, 🤗 as she had no idea that they would bring Tripawd Kitty Othello out of the car to say hello too!!! Wyatt Dawg nearly pulled Mr Jim through the walls of his Mobile Dawg House!!!

Of course Miss Rene handled the situation purrrfectly and everything had been calmed down after Othello and his pawrents left.

Then me and my Pawrents arrived…. 

Now even though Wyatt Ray-Has-a-Lot-to-Say Dawg was a little concerned that I was close to his Pawrents, I showed him I was okay with him by going on a hoppy hop with him! Every now and again Wyatt Dawg would tell me to stay away from his den, so I just went and did my own thing where he couldn’t see

Then the next day our Super TriPawd Stars came down to my house you guys! Yes they really did! They made a very special trip to come and see me and I couldn’t feel more honoured! Truly! We had a great time showing them around. My Mum got to sit with Wyatt Ray-Has-a-Lot-to-Say Dawg in the back of our UTV while they went on a tour and I heard Wyatt Dawg calling up a storm, so I had to hop on over to them and make sure they were okay! Phew thankfully my Dad had it all under control and everypawdy was having a great time! It was MY turn to have a ride in the back with my Mum! (As they took me back to the house to “Rest!” they say! Uuuugh! I felt fine!!!) 

Here’s some fun pictures of our Tripawd Super Star guests…

The very cool part about their trip to see us, is that Miss Rene asked Mum and Dad to make a song out of Mum’s Tripawds poem, so Dad put her words all together in some music and came up with the TriPawds Theme Song! 

We will let Miss Rene, Mr Jim and Wyatt Ray-Has-a-Lot-to-Say Dawg show you that little treat… in the mean time they shared a ‘Sneak ‘a Peak’ Of their time with us!

And talking of Treats, boy oh boy did we get spoiled Rawtten!!! I got two more Amurican Hedgies from Wyatt Dawg you guys! 

That makes Three Amurican Hedgie’s that I have now!!! Thanks Wyatt Ray of Sunshine for cool gifts! My Kittens got a fluffy mouse each! You can only see three in this picture cuz Tedwardo keeps tossing them under the stove! Thank you! All of you guys are amazing! 😉

And my Mum and Dad got a really cool and very special bottle of 3 Legged Red! An extra special thank you for this!! We are very much looking forward to sharing this… 😉

I got a new Hedgie fromMum and Dad for my Ampuversary gift! His name is Ranger Hedgie! I Ruv Ranger Hedgie!

I Ruv ALL my Hedgies

And you guys, i got my first Missy Hedgie!!!! Isn’t she gorgeous??? Mr Purrrkins sent me another e-Hedgie and I Ruv her!! Thank you Mr Purrkins, you are so good on your compotes!! 😉

Oh and I got more pictures of My Pack Mum, her name was Mia, wasn’t she beautiful?? Now I know where I got y handsome face from! (She also was diagnosed with 💩 Osteo, but her pawrents couldn’t give her the chance at becoming a Tripawd! 🙁 I have her same lips 👄! 😉

and me as a new born… I’m the cutest one in the middle with the sweet brown face and the cute little ears!

Miss Rene thinks that I might have some Leonberger in me ‘cause my coat is so fluffy! I get to feel better about myself all the time!! I was told I had Rotty, Bernese and Retriever… clearly there is something else judging by the look of my Litter Pup Brothers!

I invite you all to my next Pawty next month… it’s gonna be a big one… I’m celebrating my 1 year Ampuversary!!! Yes! That’s one year my friends! Come join the fun! That includes Mr Purrrrkins ‘cause he is celebrating his 2 year Ampuversary!!! So all you Catssss and Dawgs, come out with your Pawty Boots on, ‘cause it’s gonna be fun!!!


Rots Of Ruv and see you all soon!!!

♥️Stewie, Senor Spikey, Chester Molester, Prissy Miss Lily and Talkative Ted♥️


p.s. check out how much fun Wyatt had on the Tripawds Blog!

under: Hopping Around Hoppily!, Living the life of a Tripawd, Top 100 Reasons For Wanting To Be a Tripawd!

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